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Patriot Act II

ATTENTION PLEASE:   There are some very serious attempts being made at upper levels of our government to undermine or destroy our Constitution and Bill of Rights.  We are very nearly in a dictatorship at this moment, and once this Bill is in effect we will never recover our Freedom.  

     It's hard to believe, but it is REALLY HAPPENING!  This Bill may be the final act!

     I grant permission for public use of the below composition, (everything below the *************** line) unaltered except where parenthesized, in its entirety.

                    Guy Hendrickson

     (Just copy everything below the ******* line into an Email you want to send, replace the parenthesized parts with your politician's name and your name and address, then send it to your congressmen.  Their Email addresses can be found by clicking one of the "Write your Congressmen" links on this website.) 

     (Please also send copies of this entire message to your mailing list so they can do the same. 

This may be the only thing we can do! )


Dear (Representative/Senator name):

     I believe the MINIMAL reponsibility of ANY elected offical is to be informed and responsive to the American citizenry. 

To aid you in fulfilling that responsibility, here is a link to a very informative article posted on the website:

"Secret Patriot Act II Destroys Remaining US Liberty"

     Thus, upon the presumption that the article above may contain SOME truth:

     FIRST:  I believe any person who dares to propose such a bill must be mentally deranged, and is clearly acting to destroy Freedom, Liberty, our Constitution and The United States of America.

     SECOND:  Your responsibility is clearly to be aware of the dire portents of any such bill, and to inform your constituency of the facts and ramifications of such proposals and of such irresponsible legislators.

     Your responsibility is clearly to impeach and remove from public office anyone so clearly incompetent or of ill intention, whether due to mental dysfunction OR to traitorous or treasonous motive.  And likewise, to impeach anyone who would vote for such a treacherous bill should it reach the floor.

     THIRD: Although I can comprehend that the Congress was hoodwinked and blindsided into passage of the first "Patriot Act," I believe it is incumbent upon the Congress to rescind or nullify it and undo any and all negative effects it has already produced.   Forthwith!

     This has been a clarion call to enact legislation requiring that the text of ANY Bill be made available within a stipulated time frame which ensures opportunity for full comprehension prior to any vote upon the matter. 

     Beyond that, legislation to outlaw the attachment of unassociated or irrelevant or qualifying "riders" or amendments to ANY Bill is highly recommended.  If thoroughly considered, each Bill should be able to be complete in itself, stand on its own merits, and should not be passed until there is reasonable certainty those requirements have been fulfilled.  Anything less must be held to be beneath the standards of the Congress of the United States of America.

     I believe these matters pose a greater danger to the immediate and/or long term survival of the United States of America than any contemporary "terrorist" threat. 

     I also firmly believe that any elected representative of the people who is unable to subscribe to the above suggestions should resign their office immediately. 

     Do you concur?  Please respond.


               (Sender name and address)

     PS:  Also see:  "Open Letter #1"

Re: Patriot Act II

WOW! That should get their attention!

--But unless a LOT of people send them these e-mails, they'll probably just ignore them.

I'll send as many as I can.

I looked at this Forum thing you added yesterday, and was hoping to see something here soon. This is a great beginning!  What's next?