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Miss Charming's Bar & Cocktail Forum

Welcome thirsty surfers! This forum is intended for cOol cats, hiP bartenders, tOtally rad surfer dudes, beer chuggin' bArflies, extraOrdinary servers, wacKy wannabe's, and all others interested in the marTini-drinking, shot-shoOting, jeTset, poP culture, fun-lOving, goOd-time, cocktail world. Jump right in. The water is fine.

Miss Charming's Bar & Cocktail Forum
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alcohol display

I am having a large party in a few weeks and have a pretty large array of alcohol. The alcohol will be on a table with 2 tiers. Is there a certain order that it should be displayed in?

Re: alcohol display

Sure, just group your vodkas, gins, rums, Tequilas, whiskey/whisky, and liqueurs.

Miss Charming