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Emily's Living In New Orleans Forum

Live in New Orleans? Not yet but you would like to? Well drop on in and ask any and all your questions you might have about moving here. If you live here already, feel free to ask questions, post comments, or start a discussion. Look forward to hearing from you! Em

Emily's Living In New Orleans Forum
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Re: what is the downside

You better like warm weather. If you are a fan of cold and snow you'll be disappointed or unhappy. Avg. summer temp is in the 90s. Avg. winter temp is mis 50s. There are hotter places in the U.S., such as Arizona, Vegas, NMexico, parts of CA, but they don't have the humidity that New Orleans does. The plus side is that your body does acclimate and after a year or two of living here you hardly notice the heat. You know its hot, but somehow you just don't complain. Why bother? Who would you complain to? Mother Nature? LMAOROTFL

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Replying to:

i understand that you are trying to focus on the positives here, but what are the downsides? the wrap here in DC area is traffic problems, miami is gangs, denver is a horrible football team (hehehe). whats the wrap on new orleans?

Re: Re: what is the downside

Of course, for some people, living in warm weather is a plus. For me, I don't like cold weather, nor snow, nor biting wind chill factors. Being able to wear a short sleeve shirt in December on occasion (no kidding) is definitely a plus for me.

Also, the heat and humidity hear is no worse than say Houston, Memphis, Atlanta, St. Louis, or Kansas City for that matter. The difference being that while most of the country is in the deep freeze using their heaters, we are still enjoying mild conditions...

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Replying to:

You better like warm weather. If you are a fan of cold and snow you'll be disappointed or unhappy. Avg. summer temp is in the 90s. Avg. winter temp is mis 50s. There are hotter places in the U.S., such as Arizona, Vegas, NMexico, parts of CA, but they don't have the humidity that New Orleans does. The plus side is that your body does acclimate and after a year or two of living here you hardly notice the heat. You know its hot, but somehow you just don't complain. Why bother? Who would you complain to? Mother Nature? LMAOROTFL

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Replying to:

i understand that you are trying to focus on the positives here, but what are the downsides? the wrap here in DC area is traffic problems, miami is gangs, denver is a horrible football team (hehehe). whats the wrap on new orleans?