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Emily's Living In New Orleans Forum

Live in New Orleans? Not yet but you would like to? Well drop on in and ask any and all your questions you might have about moving here. If you live here already, feel free to ask questions, post comments, or start a discussion. Look forward to hearing from you! Em

Emily's Living In New Orleans Forum
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Re: Moving to New Orleans...Need your help!

There are plenty of bars & restaurants around (a few thousand actually) and jobs in that field are always available. If you have the skills and a professional attitude, then you'll be fine


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I am bartending in Vegas right now and really want to move to New Orleans but am worried about getting a job ASAP... I would also love any volunteers to show me around once I get there due to the fact that Im from Australia and everything here is insanly new and different....

Any input or help would be greatly appreciated!!!