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Re: Re: Best private school?

Thanks for all the information! We would prefer all girl but are open to a co-educational setting. Money wise we would like to keep it under 4,000 but are willing to spend as much as it takes for our daughter, so we will consider the ISSA schools.

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Hi Jean Marie! Glad you like the site

I have a 6 year old daughter and she goes to Louise S. McGehee School for Girls. It's PreK-12, all girl, and secular (not religious). It's a fantastic school that offers low teacher-student ratios, hands-on learning, and has a great reputation around town for it's well-rounded students who succeed. I would urge you to check it out for yourself to see if it is right for your daughter. Finding the right school for your child will depend on several things - First and foremost is how much you can afford. Face it, if it's not in your budget, it's hard to look at some of the schools that are close to 10k a year. Many private schools in the New Orleans area cost less than 4,000 per year, but several of the ISAS schools (private schools that are not run by the Archdiocese and are part of their own private school system), and run between 7,000 and 11,000 per year, so it really depends on what you can afford. There are plenty of good schools that don't cost an arm and a leg though. The other thing will depend on whether you want co-education or single-sex education. Another consideration is if you are looking for a school your daughter can start PreK in and finish 12th grade in, or are you open to a school that might go through 6th or 8th grade? Lastly, it will depend on your daughter. Different schools fit different kids. Their environment, teaching philosphy, etc. I would encourage you to visit as many schools as possible, to get a feel for what you do like and what you don't like. If you find yourself liking a school that's a bit out of your budget, keep in mind that many schools offer tuition-assistance (or a price break if you will).

Some great schools in the Uptown area that have PreK and either coed or all girl, are (alphabetically): Holy Name of Jesus; Louise S. McGehee; Sacred Heart; St. Andrew's Episcopal; St. George's Episcopal; Trinity Episcopal; Ursuline Academy. I have links to many of these schools under my "schools" page on this website. Let me know what you think


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Hi Emily, you have a great site here and I thank you for all the hard work you have done on it. My family and I will be moving to New Orleans in the next few weeks, in uptown area, and are going to be looking at a school for my daughter who will be 4 in January. We will be looking for a school for 2003-2004 school year. Can you give me some advice on what schools in the area are better than others. Thanks in advance. Jean Marie of Charleston, SC.