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Emily's Living In New Orleans Forum

Live in New Orleans? Not yet but you would like to? Well drop on in and ask any and all your questions you might have about moving here. If you live here already, feel free to ask questions, post comments, or start a discussion. Look forward to hearing from you! Em

Emily's Living In New Orleans Forum
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Rental Costs

I'm interested in moving to the Lakeview, Bucktown, or West End area of the City Park area. Can anyone tell me approximately what it costs to rent a 1 or 2 bdrm apartment or small house in this area? Also, are there many jobs for professionals, such as stockbrokers? Thanks for your help.

Re: Rental Costs

Hi Regis! Thanks for posting. I'm not too sure about stockbrocker jobs. Best bet would be to check out the online classifieds as well as the job search sites (as shown under "jobs" on this website). As far as renting a 2 bedroom apartment in those areas, check out under "neighborhoods" and you'll get a good idea.

Thanks again for posting - enjoy the site!


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Replying to:

I'm interested in moving to the Lakeview, Bucktown, or West End area of the City Park area. Can anyone tell me approximately what it costs to rent a 1 or 2 bdrm apartment or small house in this area? Also, are there many jobs for professionals, such as stockbrokers? Thanks for your help.