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Emily's Living In New Orleans Forum

Live in New Orleans? Not yet but you would like to? Well drop on in and ask any and all your questions you might have about moving here. If you live here already, feel free to ask questions, post comments, or start a discussion. Look forward to hearing from you! Em

Emily's Living In New Orleans Forum
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Re: Re: Who's still here?

Yeah it's much easier handling that storm when you are up a few floors!

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I made it through, though I did "evacuate" to the CBD. And to be truthful, I'd have gone furthur than that (yes, Em...I'm a wus)if my husband would've agreed to leave with me. That was one scary storm headed our way.........

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Replying to:

Shout out to all my peeps here in the parish. Who's still here? Anyone evacuating? I'm riding this one out. Once again we've escaped catastrophe.