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Emily's Living In New Orleans Forum

Live in New Orleans? Not yet but you would like to? Well drop on in and ask any and all your questions you might have about moving here. If you live here already, feel free to ask questions, post comments, or start a discussion. Look forward to hearing from you! Em

Emily's Living In New Orleans Forum
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Great web site


Great web site. You are truly doing your part to promote New Orleans. I wish everyone in this city took as much of an active role as you do in promoting our fine city and helping people relocate.

Keep up the great work!

Hi bk!

Hi bk!!!

I'm glad you like the site!!! Glad you found the place You have posted several great posts on the nola site and I am always glad to see you around

Man am I tired...just got home from the Hornets game - and man what a great game......again!!!

Have a great Thanksgiving!!!


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Great web site. You are truly doing your part to promote New Orleans. I wish everyone in this city took as much of an active role as you do in promoting our fine city and helping people relocate.

Keep up the great work!