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Emily's Living In New Orleans Forum
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Working in New Orleans without a car

I'm seeking employment preferably in the uptown area of New Orleans. Every employer I interview with seems impressed with my resume, but as soon as I mention that I don't drive, they are no longer interested. They insist that whoever they hire must drive. I live uptown so I would be able to either take the streetcar or walk to work, but once they learn that I don't drive, it's like I don't exist. What do other people without cars do?


Re: Working in New Orleans without a car

I moved here from New York in the 90s. I didn't have a car living in NYC and I never got around to buying one here either. I rely on RTA or my bike to get me where I'm going. I'm an auditor at a accounting firm and the subject never came up. I didn't offer the info. and they didn't ask. If a position requires travel I can see them asking but if youre just working in an office/store what's the deal? Try not mentioning it. I was asked only one time in five interviews. The one time I was asked, I said that I didn't have a car at THAT time, implying I was in the process of getting one. Not my fault I don't get one. Life isn't easy w/o a car so don't make it harder on yourself. Keep the transp part out of the picture and let them hire you for you not for what you drive or don't

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Replying to:

I'm seeking employment preferably in the uptown area of New Orleans. Every employer I interview with seems impressed with my resume, but as soon as I mention that I don't drive, they are no longer interested. They insist that whoever they hire must drive. I live uptown so I would be able to either take the streetcar or walk to work, but once they learn that I don't drive, it's like I don't exist. What do other people without cars do?


Re: Working in New Orleans without a car

Hi Carol!

I tend to agree with Tony on this - if they don't ask specifically wheter or not you have your own transportation, don't offer the information. And as Tony pointed out, as long as your job doesn't involve work-related travel, it really isn't any of their business whether you take a bus/streetcar or drive.

Hope this helps


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Replying to:

I'm seeking employment preferably in the uptown area of New Orleans. Every employer I interview with seems impressed with my resume, but as soon as I mention that I don't drive, they are no longer interested. They insist that whoever they hire must drive. I live uptown so I would be able to either take the streetcar or walk to work, but once they learn that I don't drive, it's like I don't exist. What do other people without cars do?
