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Emily's Living In New Orleans Forum
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question about bugs

hi emily!

first of all just want to add my 2 cents worth about how cool your site is...

i'm moving to new orleans from california and i found a lot of the info about neighborhoods really helpful.... thanks!

now i've heard that because nola is so hot and humid there is often a big problem with bugs and whatnot...

are they really big? is this a big problem when looking for an apartment?

i'm a little paranoid about this but otherwise looking forward to the move

thanks in advance,


Re: question about bugs

Yeah, they're big. The city was built on a swamp. BUT, there's a gel on the market, comes in a tube with a plunger (kinda like a small caulk gun) that works wonders. Either Max

Force or Combat. Use it as directed and DON'T use bug spray when you use the gel. Also, if you see a little lizard in your house, a gecko, don't freak out. I did, until I found out they eat bugs.

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Replying to:

hi emily!

first of all just want to add my 2 cents worth about how cool your site is...

i'm moving to new orleans from california and i found a lot of the info about neighborhoods really helpful.... thanks!

now i've heard that because nola is so hot and humid there is often a big problem with bugs and whatnot...

are they really big? is this a big problem when looking for an apartment?

i'm a little paranoid about this but otherwise looking forward to the move

thanks in advance,


Re: question about bugs

Hi Danielle!

Thanks for posting - and I'm glad you like the site Yeah, I've HEARD that the roaches here are huge...can't say I've actually seen one IN my house though, which is a really good thing considering I have an unbelievable fear of roaches. I've only seen a few roaches outside while walking the dog around the neighborhood and I can't say it was any bigger than the roaches in Atlanta...but a roach is roach - ICK! Best advice, when checking out an apartment, look for lots of clues that there is/has been a bug problem such as multiple roach motels or those disks that attract/kill roaches, and even ask the landlord (or better yet present tenant) about bugs. Can't hurt to ask

Good luck!


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Replying to:

hi emily!

first of all just want to add my 2 cents worth about how cool your site is...

i'm moving to new orleans from california and i found a lot of the info about neighborhoods really helpful.... thanks!

now i've heard that because nola is so hot and humid there is often a big problem with bugs and whatnot...

are they really big? is this a big problem when looking for an apartment?

i'm a little paranoid about this but otherwise looking forward to the move

thanks in advance,
