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Sport products

We have these products listed here. You can reach us on the following adress:


Andropen 275 10ml Thailand British Dragon 70 eur;89 USD

Trinabol 150 -Tri Trenabol 10ml Thailand British Dragon 120eur; 157 USD

Trenabol Depot -Trenbolone Depot Thailand British Dragon 10ml 100mg/ml 100 eur;128 USD

Trenabol -Trenbolone Acetate Thailand British Dragon 10ml 75mg/ml 90 eur;115 USD

Decabol -Nandrolone Decaonate Thailand British Dragon 10ml 250mg/ml 75 eur;96 USD

Boldabol -Boldenone Undecylenate Thailand British Dragon 10ml 200mg/ml 75 eur;96 USD

Primobol -Methanolone Enanthate Thailand British Dragon 10ml 100mg/ml 95 eur;123 USD

Mastabol -Dromastanolone Di - Propionate Thailand British Dragon 10ml 100mg/ml 80 eur;107 USD

Testabol Propionat -Testosterone Propionate Thailand British Dragon 10ml 100mg/ml 60 eur;78 USD

Testabol Depot -Testosterone Cypionate Thailand British Dragon 10ml 200mg/ml 60 eur;81 USD


Boldoject 10 ml 200 mg/ml 75 eur/99 usd
Decaject 10ml 200 mg/ml 75 eur/99 usd
Propioject 10ml 100 mg/ml 50 eur/64 usd
Stanoject 10ml 50 mg/ml 75eur/97 usd
Sustaject 10ml 250 mg/ml 60 eur/80 usd
Testoject 10ml 100 mg/ml 60 eur/80 usd
Primoject 10 ml 100mg/ml 90 eur/115 usd

Stanol -stanozolol 100pills x 10 mg 80 eur 110 usd
Metanol-Dbol- metandienone 500pills x 10 mg 150 eur 205 usd
Oxythol-oxymetholone 100pills x 50 mg 170 eur 225 usd
EPO- Eprex, JansenCILAG Swiss 6 amps 2000 i.u 300 eur 412 USD
HGH Juntropin GenSci China 100 i.u 380 eur; 500 USD

Testosterone Depot-Testosterone Enanthate Yugoslavia ICN Galenika 1ml 250mg/ml 5 eur;9 USD

Primobolan Depot-Methenolone Depot Germany Schering 1ml 100mg/ml 10eur;15 USD

Winstrol Depot-Stanazolol Spain Zambon 1ml 50mg/ml 8 eur;12 USD

Sustanon 4 Testosterone Pakistan (Karachi) Organon 1ml 250mg/ml 8 eur; 14 USD

Sustanon 4 Testosterone Egypt Organon 1ml 250mg/ml 8 eur; 14 USD

Deca Duraboline -Nandrolone Decaonate Holland Organon 2ml 100mg/ml 9 eur; 11 USD

Deca Duraboline -Nandrolone Decaonate Greece Norma 2ml 100mg/ml 9 eur;11USD

Omnadren 4 Testosterone Poland Jelfa 1ml 250mg/ml 6 eur;9 USD

HCG - Pregnyl -HCG Holland Organon 5000 I.u. X 3
40 eur; 54 USD

HCG - Pregnyl -HCG Holland Organon 1500 I.u. X 3
25 eur;35 USD

Anabol ( D-Bol ) Pink Thai-Methandienone Thailand British Dispensary 1000 tabs 5mg 180 eur;233 USD

Anabol ( D-Bol ) Pink Thai-Methandienone Thailand British Dispensary 100 tabs 5mg 30 eur; 39 USD

Methanabol-( D-Bol ) -Methandienone Thailand British Dragon 100 tabs 10mg; 60 eur;79 USD

Methanabol-Methandienone Thailand British Dragon 500 tabs x 10 mg, 150 eur; 200 USD

Naposim -Methandienone Romania Terapia 100 tabs 5mg 23 eur; 30 USD

Methandrostenolone-Methandienone Russia Akrihin 100 tabs 5mg, 23 eur;30 USD

Halotestex -Fluoxymesterone Thailand British Dragon 50 tabs x 10 mg 150 eur, 200 usd

Stanzol-stanozolol-SB Laboratories Thailand 200tab x 5 mg 120 eur; 158 USD

Stanabol- stanozolol Thailand British Dragon 100 tabs x 10 mg,80 eur, 107 USD

Primobol-Methenolone Acetate Thailand British Dragon 30 tabs x 50 mg 200 eur; 259 USD

Turanabol-Clorodehydromethyl Testosterone Thailand British Dragon 200 tabs 10mg 150 eur; 200 USD

Androlic-Oxymetholone Thailand British Dispensary 100 tabs 50mg, 170 eur;219 USD

Oxydrol-Oxymetholone Thailand British Dragon 100 tabs 50mg 170 eur; 219 USD

Oxyton-anadrol SB Laboratories Tahiland 100 tabs x 50mg 150 eur; 200 USD

Anapolon-Oxymetholone Turkey Abdi Ibrahim 20 tabs 50mg 50 eur; 69 USD

Oxanabol ( Anavar )-Oxandrolone Thailand British Dragon 100 tabs 10mg, 220 eur;289 USD

Andriol-Testosterone Undecaonate Germany Organon 60 tabs 40mg, 60 eur; 79 USD

Clomiphene Citrate-Clomiphene Citrate Greece Anfarm 24 tabs 50mg , 15 eur;20 USD

Proviron-Mesterolone Greece Schering 20 tabs 25mg 25 eur;36 USD

Arimidex-Anastrozol Greece Zeneca 28 tabs 1mg 180 eur;239 USD;

T4-Tivoral-levotyroxin natrium,ICN GALENIKA, 100 tabs 100 mcg, 30 eur; 50 USD

T-3 - Tiromel -Aventic France/EU 0.025mg x 100 tabs 60eur; 79 USD

Clenbuterol-Clenbuterol Hydrochloride Bulgaria Nihfi 100 tabs 0.02mg, 23 eur;30 USD

Nolvadex-Antioestrogenicum Uk Zeneca 30 tabs 10mg 23 eur; 30 USD

Accutane (Roaccutane) Roche Swiss,30tabs x 10mg 54eur, 70 USD and 30 tabs x 20 mg 100 eur, 135 USD

Xenical- Orlistat Roche 84caps x 120 mg 170 eur 219 usd