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Wychall Wanderers

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Wychall Wanderers
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1.Is this spelling right? Harvey Cambell ryan

2.Can a clinyinder be a prisim?

3.What a event is on June 5th?

4.42 *(thats times it by) 2 + 6 - 91 =????

5.91 * 12=

thats all! ,bring in your answers from Sunday to nexts week saturday,good luck!

Re: quiz

I win the prize I know the answers (again!)

Beat you this week grandfather clock

Re: quiz

The Grandfather clock strikes again . here are your answers for this weeks quiz.
1. No
2. No, don`t think so
3. A nice day for the watchman
4. 181
5. 1092

Check your spelling on Q2 its a bit dodgy

What do I win??

Re: quiz

Too late grandfather clock..time must have stood still for you.

I have answered the questions and left them in a secret place...watchman wait for the nod, then the wink, then the nudge and you will find out where they are.

Good luck to the boys on Sunday, enjoy the game and play as well as you did last Sunday. It was a great game.

answers(ignore spelling)

3.My birthday

Nobodys got the anwers right,good luck next time