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Wychall Wanderers
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to everyone who are not at work

Are you all up yet!!!!!!!!!!

Re: to everyone who are not at work

oh but of course, enjoying my day off as well (just like I will enjoy Friday, Saturday, Sunday and MONDAY!!!!!!

Good luck to all the team for Sunday's game..

Re: to everyone who are not at work

hello,im a alien from out of space,ill destroy you earthlings or should I say.... humans ....

Re: to everyone who are not at work

Will people stop talking about not being at work!! I have just sat through a two and a half meeting about something more complicated than Wychall Wanderers Under 10 B's starting line up. Two up front with one in the middle or one up front with two on the side!

It all looks the same to me but there again I am a novice at this game!!

Just had lunch and I am now off to the continuation of my meeting for another three hours of absoulte bliss!!!!

Have a good lie in tomorrow if you're not at work!! Of course, I will be, keeping the gas flowing through the United Kingdom, so when you switch you're gas hob on tomorrow morning, think of me!!! And at the same time bring a bacon buttie to my office!!!!

See you all Sunday

Re: to everyone who are not at work

See what you've done now crumble delight...Homer I feel so bad I feel I may have to go back to work tomorrow...oh but then again maybe not..

I feel that your bacon buttie may be cold by the time I reach your workplace so as a gesture of goodwill (rather than bringing you a cold buttie) I'll eat it whilst drinking a beautiful cup of tea and watching the excellent daytime television on offer. Life is hard...see you Sunday

Who said this message board was for the players?

Re: to everyone who are not at work

Sorry Homer, Sharon has made me feel quilty to. although I may join her for the tea and buttie.
hope your meetings went ok and your not too tired.