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Re: Tesco's Race for Life -

GREAT! Come on girls, it's my claim to fame. I got on Central News last time I did it! Good job I had my make-up on!!!! Help important charities, that one day you may need.Added bonus we go to the pub after!!!

Re: Tesco's Race for Life -

Hi all.

Well I think I'll decline this year - as it's two days after the baby is due to be born!!! Somehow I think either way I'm not going to be up for it.

But I'll sponsor you. I did it last year. Had never run before in my life and started training at the end of Feb. Only problem was we did it in mid July on a scorching hot Saturday afternoon - and was mostly uphill! I did it in 29 mins and was very proud.

Put me down for 2008 tho.....I'll need to have something to do with all this spare time I'll have after the baby is born - that's how it works isn't it?!?!?

Re: Tesco's Race for Life -

Well "team Wychall" is gaining momentum now with 4 members signed up and others showing their support with sponsorship. There are still one or two mums who have yet to commit..come on you know you want to...don't be scared off by Sandra's time last year...our aim this year is to double or triple that!!

If you are going to take part please register by visting:

or telephone 0870 513 4314

The race takes place on 21 June at Cannon Hill Park.

Training will begin at the next home game by collecting the stray balls from behind the goals during the lads warm up session!! (I must have done about 2 miles on Sunday chasing balls!!)

Carol - you can't escape - I'll update you when we next meet - I hope you are starting to feel better xx

Re: Tesco's Race for Life -

Glad to see Carol is getting better!
Well done Carol for agreeing to do the run, when you're still so poorly. .Sandra, good excuse, we'll let you off this year,as long as we get to munch the baby loads.x

Re: Tesco's Race for Life -

If you want to sponsor us for the race we have set up a website that will keep you up to date with our training and fundraising efforts.

The web address is:

It's not too late if you still want to enter but be quick before it gets too full.

Thanks for your support.

Re: Tesco's Race for Life -

No excuses now!! I'm the latest one to sign up for the Race for Life at Cannon Hill Park on 21 June 2007.

Let's try and match our great efforts of two years ago when 25 Wychall ladies took part we raised over £3,000 for cancer research. If you can't take part but would like to make a donation please visit our fundraising page.

Thanks, Catherine

Re: Tesco's Race for Life -

Hi. I know i'm only just getting to know you all (and that includes the lads).

But i just wanted to say that watching our boys over the last couple of weeks, running their hearts out and their feet off, makes me really proud. And that doing 'Race for Life' with Team Wychall, kind of feels like its giving them something back, as well as helping a great charity (I know Jack is proud im taking part)!

I may not be able to run my feet off, but I'll certainly walk them off (and run to the nearest pub at the end)