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Wychall Wanderers
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Today's match

Well done today - all 10 of you played brilliantly. Excellent free kick John , smashing finish Kyle . Unlucky on the equaliser against the run of play.

Well done Tom on your Man of the Match award, well deserved.

Re: Today's match

Forgot to mention the fantastic performance by the referee, especially given the trying circumstances. Well done Chelski I gave you top marks.

Re: Today's match

Hi all. Really enjoyed the match today again! Great performance by all the lads. Keep it up!

Jack was wondering, what you meant by the 'now not so quiet man'

Is he getting like his mum

Re: Today's match

Hi Michelle and Jack...

Homer (Andy) has noticed that Jack is calling for the ball more...which is all good so the "quiet man" nickname is not quite as appropriate anymore!!! - nothing to do with his mum (honestly!! )