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Wychall Wanderers
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Hi Pete

Thanks for the easter eggs

And for training tonight, cant wait to thrash you oldies next week

Happy easter to everyone

see you next week

Re: Easter


forgot to say thank you to Andy and Paul for eggs

Re: Easter

No problem Jack,

So now you've set the'd better watch "oldies" played football when it was a proper game...none of this falling over when somebody tackled you!!!

What you don't know is that we've been having secret training sessions so beware....the return of the skills of "Garry" Shaw, "Sid" Cowans, "Peter" Withe, "Tom" Sorenson, "Vinnie" Jones, "Andy" Gray and "Paul" McGrath and so closer than you think!!!

Bring it on!!!

Happy Easter everyone

Re: Easter


the only traing you oldies do is SLEEPING and drinking in the PUB

but us lads do more secret training than you do like FOOTBALL

yeh bring it on!

Re: Easter

Yeah Jack, but the moms are the secret weapon!! We are well fit,running after you lot.Some of the moms are gonna put moustaches on and bag loads of goals!! .Us girls like lots of bags and shoes!!!!

Re: Easter

Hi Emma its no good wearing high heels shoes and hand bags they wont help you

you at least need some trainers or football boots you might stay on your feet then and not slip over

this is a proper battle pulling hair or biting

p.s. did you say that you mums were like a load of old bags

Re: Easter

Be careful mum's just reminded me that comments like that might not get me any food or clean clothes or I might have to go Shopping!!!

Lads - a good tactic for the game is to just run..they will NEVER catch up with us!!

Im a bit scared though because I know Sid plays football already so we need to mark him tightly!! - Thunderbolt thats your job

See you next week at the battle ground


Re: Easter

Hi dynamo I didnt mean to upste your mum

i think all the mums are lovely, my dad said to play emma up as she was talking about loads of bags and things!

All are mums are brilliant fantastic super! I wish they were on our side really

Re: Easter

its alright..she said she was only joking me!!

I think the mums are on our side because they know we are going to win..yea..

Re: Easter

AHH! you know us mums and dads are your biggest supporters,but I've got some James Bond high heels that even do the washing up!-the oldies are gonna win.

Re: Easter


Re: Easter

Homer don't forget the medical bag...I have a feeling it may be needed!!!!

Re: Easter

First of all, I would like to apologise for my son's spelling - I will be having words!!

Secondly, I will of course bring along the medical bag on Wendesday, more for me than anyone else.

Can't wait to put you all in your place. Not sure about keeping up the pace for the whole game, might have to take it steady at the back. In fact, might have to take it very steady!! See you all on Wednesday for the Tythe Barn Showdown!!!!

Re: Easter

hi all
hope you had a good easter
thanks for the eggs pete paul and homer
see you tommorow when we will thrash the old sleepieheads

Re: Easter

Hi everyone

I hope all u old grandpars and grandma's R raining before u pull a muscle.

Re: Easter

hi hussain
i wouldnt say that they dont have any muscels!!!

Re: Easter

oh and hussain
is that meant 2 say raining or training?

Re: Easter

WHAT win for UNITED 7-1

were gonna beat are dads by that much
or maybe more

see yah later

Re: Easter

Well done boys a good result against some physical challenges (you know who you are GY!!)

Can you let me know who scored the goals for Wychall??

Also well done to the ref who was suffering and then had to contend with back chat from the "older" players!!!!