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No Subject

hey dailyness, i sent u an email recently and i am very annoyed to see that u still havent done as i wished and written an article about the wonders of dragonflies.

Re: No Subject

Dear Contributor,

Thank you for your e-mail. Your request is being processed, and will be put to the editorial team to see the viability of writing an article on the subject of dragonflies. If it is deemed appropriate to our current article list it will be written.


-Dailyness Editorial Team

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Replying to:

hey dailyness, i sent u an email recently and i am very annoyed to see that u still havent done as i wished and written an article about the wonders of dragonflies.

Favourite colour of hat

Re: No Subject



Who could this be then!?

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Replying to:

hey dailyness, i sent u an email recently and i am very annoyed to see that u still havent done as i wished and written an article about the wonders of dragonflies.

Re: No Subject

Well I, my dear twallop, am appaled at the irresponsible lack of upper case letters in that post!

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Replying to:

hey dailyness, i sent u an email recently and i am very annoyed to see that u still havent done as i wished and written an article about the wonders of dragonflies.

Favourite colour of hat Orange

Re: Re: No Subject


You are hearby warned of your useage of the word twallop . This langauge is abusive and uncalled for. In future, please refrain from using this and similar words, or your message will be removed.


-Dailyness Moderation Team

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Replying to:

Well I, my dear twallop, am appaled at the irresponsible lack of upper case letters in that post!

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Replying to:

hey dailyness, i sent u an email recently and i am very annoyed to see that u still havent done as i wished and written an article about the wonders of dragonflies.

Re: Re: Re: No Subject

Sorry sir,

I won't use such foul language so irresponsibly again, I hadn't thought of the horrific consequences that could occur if a junior had seen the word in question.

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Replying to:


You are hearby warned of your useage of the word twallop . This langauge is abusive and uncalled for. In future, please refrain from using this and similar words, or your message will be removed.


-Dailyness Moderation Team

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Replying to:

Well I, my dear twallop, am appaled at the irresponsible lack of upper case letters in that post!

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Replying to:

hey dailyness, i sent u an email recently and i am very annoyed to see that u still havent done as i wished and written an article about the wonders of dragonflies.

Re: No Subject

dragonflies? what's so great about dragonflies?

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Replying to:

hey dailyness, i sent u an email recently and i am very annoyed to see that u still havent done as i wished and written an article about the wonders of dragonflies.