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Hullo Dailyness!

Dear Dailyness Editorial Person,

I wish to complain about the quality of this site. The articles are interesting, the humour funny. All in all, I am really enjoying being on it.

What do you think you are trying to pull here?

Anything but sincerely,

Marian von Wer

Favourite colour of hat

Re: Hullo Dailyness!

Dear Contributor,

All efforts are taken to ensure that this site is dry and dull, but occasionally we have to admit that something of humour or interest slips through. We apolgise for this in advance, and hope that you next visit will be less pleasurable.


-Dailyness Editorial Team

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Replying to:

Dear Dailyness Editorial Person,

I wish to complain about the quality of this site. The articles are interesting, the humour funny. All in all, I am really enjoying being on it.

What do you think you are trying to pull here?

Anything but sincerely,

Marian von Wer

Favourite colour of hat