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Vote for Ian Hunter's Shrunken Heads cd for Classic Rocks album of the year

Ian Hunter's Shrunken Heads cd has been nominated for Classic Rocks album of the year. To vote log on to the following address:

album of the year?

It's taken a long time for me to come out on this one, but 'Shrunken Heads' is utterly superb, and possibly my favourite Hunter album. I knew I'd seen it mentioned on this board somewhere. Well recommended.

The Bonus EP ain't bad either

Re: Vote for Ian Hunter's Shrunken Heads cd for Classic Rocks album of the year

and he's playing The Lowry next Feb

Re: Vote for Ian Hunter's Shrunken Heads cd for Classic Rocks album of the year

Voting is now closed Mr Grim

When he was interviewed by Billy Butler, Ian Hunter was not very philosophical about his chances in this competition (although flattered at his inclusion). He thinks the opposition will see him off in the media friendly stakes ..... Paul McCartney was mentioned, I believe.


Re: Vote for Ian Hunter's Shrunken Heads cd for Classic Rocks album of the year

Macca's latest is pretty good to be fair