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Ken Bruce Show. 9.30 tuesday 4th.

Are you listening?

Re: Ken Bruce Show. 9.30 tuesday 4th.

Doh! I thought this programme was tonight! Anything new said? And what was played?

Re: Ken Bruce Show. 9.30 tuesday 4th.

I think Ken Bruce is dire so I found it hard to listen. My three year old was playing her James Bond Nintendo 64 game full volume in the same room so I was day-dreaming a bit. I heard him say how boring he found football and football talk. He said how much he loved older women with long blonde hair and a great sense of humour and that Stella was his favourite girl's name. He said that there was a mother of nine who writes into sounds of the seventies every week. He sometimes feels like he's being stalked by her but he actually fantasises about meeting her. He said that beauty can be found in everyone and everywhere, even in the dreariest, darkest North of England. He mentioned his love of art and art galleries, playing in St. Petersburg with the Stones this year. He said he was looking for a couple of older birds to be "DOO-BI-DOO backing singers for him on tour next year. He said that they could be sisters and that only one of them needed to be good looking. The other one could be quite plain. So off we go Katie!
They played "Coast Of Amalfi"

Re: Ken Bruce Show. 9.30 tuesday 4th.

backing singers?,sisters?,Yvonne and Patricia?

Re: Ken Bruce Show. 9.30 tuesday 4th.

Yvonne and Patricia? No. They've had a turn already.
Ray. Why do't you use the listen again facility. Steve wasn't on until about 10.20 so you can fast forward to that bit.:)

Re: Ken Bruce Show. 9.30 tuesday 4th.

Do you ever stop bleeding moaning?

Re: Ken Bruce Show. 9.30 tuesday 4th.

Shut it Kenny. You are NOT funny.


Re: Ken Bruce Show. 9.30 tuesday 4th.

Hey, Tex, with your sideburns and Ian from Leeds with a compost on his head....why dont you do your own gardening programme ??

Re: Ken Bruce Show. 9.30 tuesday 4th.

Kenny Hedge and Alan Titmouse can be the gormless gnomes by the pond ........