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west ham-everton

dear everton fans, will we still be friends after tomorrow? and then after Saturday?
only joking of course. this will be the 1st comeptitive home match of west ham that i will not go to. not on my season ticket and frankly I fear that everton's passion may be a bit too much for west ham's pure skill and tactical beauty. let's hope the city of liverpool has used up it's good luck tonight (at least I noticed that Liverpool was winning 2-0 after 30 minutes, which ain;t bad)

Re: west ham-everton

Phew! I didn't want to talk before the game Wout, because things usually go wrong when I open my mouth. But, this game, Everton certainly deserved their win.

Re: west ham-everton

do us a favour Pete and talk before the match on Saturday ......
rumour has it we will be playing with 2 goal keepers, 6 men across the back 2 men in midfield and 1 striker who weighs 500 kilos. the famous Christmas tree approach.
as I said on the phone, any team that plays at home in the cup with the score level at 1-1 and then subs the leading striker (Ashton was playing deep behind the striker; after all, who would play at home with 2 out & out strikers?) with a right back does not deserve to win.
Curbishly for England!

Re: west ham-everton

I personaaly liked the result. It gave me a double result out of 4 correct score matches to win me a few quid ;-)

Man Utd was the other score I had up.

Re: west ham-everton

Dear Wout and Peter

I remembered you both last night as I watched the game last night with my son. It was a double celebration in my household - new telly and now Spanish TV is showing English football games (as opposed to pay-per-view). Didn't care who wins, though Everton did look slightly better. My son and I were both rather impressed by West Ham's right back/half(?), who is built like a truck!

Regards to all
