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Xmas E Mail To Steve

Anyone wanting to send an e mail to Steve, wishing a happy xmas etc, i'm up for it if you send them to me firstly.

A little late thought by me, but I'm behind with what I have to do myself right now.

Act now, as you know what the post is like around this time.

I'll give you till Sunday evening only!

Re: Xmas E Mail To Steve

Anyone else want to send an e mail for me to print off for Steve?

Re: Xmas E Mail To Steve


Re: Xmas E Mail To Steve

Me neither.

Re: Xmas E Mail To Steve

What some will do to get an email or two.

Re: Xmas E Mail To Steve

thanx, I'll print all that out to Steve then!

Fans? Doh!

Re: Xmas E Mail To Steve

printed out and will send in the post tomorrow.. u stupid lot!!! U had ur chance! you failed the one you follow?

Re: Xmas E Mail To Steve

a bit over the top perhaps Ray?
seeing Steve's regular postings in his diary he is temporarily switched off himself from Planet Harley

Re: Xmas E Mail To Steve

Harsh Wout? I've given you all from Thursday to Sunday and only one e mail got. Given the fact that Sally knows, I expect Steve does too. Isn't that embarressing?

Re: Xmas E Mail To Steve

Look Ray,stop trying to be a martyr,nobody is the slightest bit interested,Wout hit the nail right on the head,some people have other focuses in life,try and find one,instead of getting on everyone's nerves with your incessant ramblings,you seem to cause more unrest among the native's than anyone,then scuttle off as if you are hard done by,get a life.

Re: Xmas E Mail To Steve

all |I'm saying Ray is that if steve is showing such a complete lack of interest in his fans that the diary postings are once every 3- 4 month then I very much doubt if he can be bothered abbout what anybody wishes him for Christmas. if his name is spelled wrong he'll probably sue.

Re: Xmas E Mail To Steve

"Alison" ..... you really ARE a prat!! At least Ray uses his own name and doesn't hide behind some ridiculous pseudonym. If anybody is "getting on everyone's nerves with .... incessant ramblings" it is the anonymous posters, who "cause more unrest among the native's than anyone". In fact, it is the anonymous posters such as yourself who have scared away a lot of the decent people from this board. It used to be a very lively forum and your negativity and indifference has spoilt it for everybody else.

Katie, Wout, Ray, Liz, Peter, Graeme, Mark, Mike, Dave, Hans, Stewart, Stella, Karen, Phil, Terry, Craig, Denise, Clint and all other regular posters who use their own names or identities, I salute you.

To Alison and all those other anons, in Alisons own words, GET A LIFE!!!!


Re: Xmas E Mail To Steve

I don't think that the sparsity of postings on Steve's diary is any reason to withhold Christmas greetings to the artiste who has brought so much pleasure into our lives.

I just hope the apathy does not spread to the suggestion by Gilly that we write to Steffi as that would be equally pathetic. I would guarantee that Steve will send her an email if he is made aware of her illness.

Get well soon Steffi and a very happy Christmas to Steve and his family.


Re: Xmas E Mail To Steve

Christmas? Already? Have I missed it all? Good.

Re: Xmas E Mail To Steve

Derek, thank you for your "salute" and appreciation! I do not post that regularly, but when I do, I will always do so using my correct name. I am one of the long standing fans who are put off posting because of unnecessary and rude remarks by anonymous people, and also by the negativity of some remarks. It's good to know that someone else wishes this forum was more positive!!!

Re: Xmas E Mail To Steve

sorry denise, i will better my ways! or at least try to. a shame it;s too late for Ray's card

Re: Xmas E Mail To Steve

Ray, i agree totally with Wout.

As for Derek, people possibly post `anon` for fear of a solicitors letter from Don(g)

Re: Xmas E Mail To Steve

You can't knock Ray's passion and loyalty towards Steve and for that the guy has my respect.At the end of the day thou both Steve the Harley fanbase have their own mutual interests at Christmas other words NOT each other!!A 'Christmas Message' would be nice but personally i'd like to hear more from Steve for the rest of the 364 days of the year.I'm with Wout and Craig on this one.

Re: Xmas E Mail To Steve

If Ray wants to send Steve a christmas greeting,good luck to him,maybe posters on here want to do it in private and should'nt be castigated for jumping on one of Ray's attempts to get a pat on the back,he has already been told on the official site not to bother,but he is such a pillock,he cannot see where his actions are not wanted,as for "Derek"fancy growing up with a moniker like that,i bet he's got ginger hair.

Re: Xmas E Mail To Steve

the only reason for my posting was Ray's choice of words:
u stupid lot!!! U had ur chance! you failed the one you follow?
don't particularly like being described as stupid just because I don't like to do to Mr H what he doesn't do to me either

Re: Xmas E Mail To Steve

Well put as usual Wout,people who take part in debates on here do so because of their love of Steve Harley's music,not because of their love of the man as a person,who has shown that he likes to keep his distance from his followers,this distance has grown wider in the last couple of years.

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