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Merry Christmas

Merry Xmas to all who post on here ,and thanks for all those who voted for our Rhydian,and for those who did'nt,GET STUFFED.

Re: Merry Christmas

So Alison Pratt is Brenda Ward.

Go back to the asylum.

Derek The Ginger Minger

Re: Merry Christmas

Voted for who???

Re: Merry Christmas

It relates to a British "reality TV" show Hans, where the guy who should have won was thwarted by deliberately busy phone lines (allegedly).

A piece of nonsense really.


Re: Merry Christmas

Ahhh... Sorry, but sometimes its hard to follow from abroad.

Re: Merry Christmas

I have avoided that programme like the plague and stuck with Strictly Come Dancing, but I did see a clip of the bloke who won and who appears to have the charisma & personality of a brick wall. I think it must have been fixed......surely!