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talking in concerts

went to see Seth lakeman last night and he was as impressive as ever. He had a support act 'Winter Mountain' who were very impressive with great harmonies who admited they model themselves on Simon and Garfunkel/Everley Brothers.
But what amazed and annoyed me was the volume of conversations that went on throughout the concert. Now i can understand through support acts although it is still rude. but during the main act. Not only talking, but texting. Why do these people part with their hard earned cash and not only miss the concert but provide a really annoying distraction for those who do. Must be i am getting OLD

Re: talking in concerts

I must be getting old, too.

It seems that most people have the attention span of goldfish these days.
My mate that I go to gigs with and I have mused on inventing an earpiece/headphone thing that is relayed directly from the stage to ear'ole to block out the 'talking bastards'.
I'm sure there'd be a market for it.

Re: talking in concerts

Many's the argument I have had following friendly alerts that the air outside is more suitable to conversation than a place where there is music.
Everytime I tell myself I will keep my opinion to myself but alas ....
idiots, all of them!