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Re: Manchester last night

Excuse me for asking what has possibly been discussed before but on going through the excellent pics, I wonder. No Lincoln on bass? is he not in the band anymore? Who was the bass player (on the night)?
Also who is the chap in the pix end of show in between Steve and Steve Norman (I think that's the sax player's name, isn't it?)? I presume the orchestra's director?

Re: Manchester last night

Great night, great company and great gig from Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel. What more could you ask for on a Saturday night in Manchester.

Re: Manchester last night

Hi Wout, great to hear from you.

Lincoln was unwell, so on bass guitar we had Bill Dyer, who has played with Steve in the past. The legendary Andrew Powell was the orchestra director. He worked on the original albums orchestral arrangements, Strings , and on many other famous albums, which surely I won't have to mention

Re: Manchester last night

Many thanks Pete, poor Lincoln.
yes, indeed I know about Andrew Powell, wasn't he part of the Alan Parsons project as well?