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Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

hypotheotically if one person who makes a two choice decision would create two separate worlds; one that they currently live in and another in which the opposite choice would have been made. Now lets say we take into account the billions of people on the earth whats to say that some of these 2nd worlds wouldn't collide with another persons current world? For example P.92 lets say the guy makes the decision to go upstairs so he lives his life by going upstairs into his room and reading a book. now his second world would have him going downstairs and out into a waiting car. whats to say that although his current world in the "upstairs" world, that his 2nd world couldn't collide with my initial world. if this were to happen then couldn't this explain why there are many coincidences that all of us have in our daily lives (ie. someone showing up unexpectedly when they should be elsewhere) This reminds of NOVA when they are in the Quantum Cafe. The more i think of multiple dimensions the more i get to wondering if our lives could truly be all planned out if our "2nd worlds" are colliding to make our lives end up just as planned?

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

Ok that makes more sense now. Good explanation Crystal! And when you think about this does explain the coincidences. If everyone had two worlds kind of representing two different decisions, then some of these worlds are bound to collide.

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

kudos crystal! thats an amazing explanation

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

Thats a pretty slick insight Crystal, i think thats pretty cool but i mean i dont really believe in this alternate realm/dimension universe, cuz there would have to be zillions+ of realms because of the zillions+ choices every animal in the universe could have made. Totally eliminating a realistic probability of any coincidences.. which makes me wonder if there is any possibility of there being sucha thing like destiny.

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

But isn't there such an idea of destiny and coincidences. I agree that there would be billions of different realms or worlds, but with that many worlds, some animals would choose the same decision. Some of these worlds must overlap and create coincidences because not every single person makes a decision that is different from every other decision someone else makes. Some will be the same at one point in time.

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

They may overlap that is very true, but that would indicate that the two realities would combine, and although that one point is a similarity, nearly everythign else would be different.. not necessarily allowing for them to join togheter at all? so i mean technically once u make a choice and choose that one reality, the other decisoin would be lost forever... and if u relaly think abuot it this does kind of coincide with the idea of travelling through time and how if u passed back and forth in time, you would go into one other branch of reality, but most important of all, this idea supports the idea that it may in fact be possible!!!!!!

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

talking about the destiny thing ; at the beginning the book talked a bit about how according to newtonian physics that your fate is already determined. but in quantum mechanics, because everything is by chance, there is so such thing as fate.

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

That's right and most of us agreed that our universe is not predestined because of all of these external factors. However taking into account the fact that a new branch of reality is created everytime we make a decision may prove that our reality is predestined since events can be tweaked and modified to fit certain circumstances. Couldn't this also play into the chaos theory ie. a butterfly flaps his wings off the coast of Japan and there's a hurricane just off the coast of mexico. These are two seemingly unrelated events however they share a connection of being a cause and result of each other. So on some level we have to accept the fact that their may be millions of other realities that could possible influence our own personal realities!

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

wow i really shanked that explanation didnt i haha... what i was trying to say is that this alternate reality thing supports the idea of time travel because we would simply exist in another reality.. leaving everythign else alone and letting it go unchanged

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

Always remember that the "Many Worlds" interpretation is just one theory, not necessarily the "proven" law of quantum mechanics. In our current understanding of what the many worlds theory says, the only reality that truly matters to you is the one you are experiencing right now, since it is real-reality, our reality "of the moment". All that we can ever say really exists is the present moment... we know what happened in the past, but we're not there now, and we know that there will be a future, but we're not there either.

Other versions of you are in their own realities and there is no connection between them. In fact, if the theories are true, it would be impossible for any of those realities to ever mix on even an atomic level with "our" reality of the moment. This is because it would take more energy than the universe contains to tunnel through at even an atomic level to the other worlds. This seems to be a physical safety of the universe to keep us where we belong.

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

With the discussion we had today in class, and the whole talk about the Pope being alive in another reality, this gives whole new meaning to living in the moment I hadn't really given thought about what happens because of the decision I didn't make. But since your decisions kind of make whole other universes, your actions have almost momumental impacts!

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

thats true; what we decide here has a great impact on what the "other worlds" experience

but now lets say that WE in fact are one of the "other world" and our actions are influenced by another... HAHA now thats crazy...because we might think this is REAL reality....but im guessing the other universes also believe they are the real reality too

and someone had asked on what conditions do the "other worlds" form... is it just a choice between two events...or is it like the rollng a dice?

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

I hate to be a party pooper guys, but this is straight BS people! what this theory supposes is that i can get up from this chair pick a pair of dice and throw them randomly into the air, and every time i do this i create 36 new universes.... Bull shiat people.. just straight bull shiat!

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

I agree with jon it just seems so impossible hard to believe. Granted it might be happing right now but this theory is just to hard to believe.

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

it might not be as outrageous as 36 different universes ....that is hard to believe....but a second one to ours...yes is crazy...but easier to believe

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

Parallel universe's. Thats a whole different ball game

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

Even parallel universe's are hard to belive. The concept of another universe parallel to ours is unimaginable for me.

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

naw i think thats pretty cool actually.. i bet the ground is blue and the sky green....k not really but they would be the same except that everything is opposite right... anyways i dont mind getting into that ball game.... are you game jon?

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

I'm game... bring it haha

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

well just like in the other conversation ..where that girl talks about there being life on mars but we may not see nor be able to prove it because they are in a different dimension...see thats nuts..but i like it

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

Yeah hyperspace organisms... thats possible... to me thats the metaphysical like the afterlife. But i mean where do we draw the line between philosophy and physics. you know what i mean?

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

Ya i know what you mean John. Its because philosophy and physics are so closly realated when it comes to talking about the afterlife and such.

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

hyperspace organisms. whats that?

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

I do find these other universes hard to believe, BUT then again I find having all these dimensions hard to believe as well. How can you prove it, and yet how can you disprove it 100%. You can't. It is the same with religion, myths, and beliefs in certain cultures. Some may not be as far-fetched, but the principle and idea is the same. You just believe it.

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

yes okay but i mean take religion for example, the bible is something that you have to believe in and yet there really is no good proof for it. Where as physics there is constant developments being made that help us to further our beliefs in mutliple dimensions or even existence in other organisms. so what i'm trying to say is that physics really isn't a myth but rather a puzzle in which we have to not only find the piece but make it fit the big picture

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

That's true, we have to just believe and understand the theories and such....the problem that scientists and physicts have is to make all of this theory crystal said "The Big Picture."

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions
