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Re: pg. 13 Doomsday Odds Calculated

i agree with landon that humans will probably destroy the world before it reaches it's expiration date.... 5 billion years away i think. think about how close the world came to being destroyed during the Cold War. And i think that the Earth currently has enough nuclear bombs to blow the world up like 2 times over!

Re: pg. 13 Doomsday Odds Calculated

Oh we'll for surely kill ourselves before something like that happens.. were good like that.

Re: pg. 13 Doomsday Odds Calculated

humans are going to die because we are all going to blow each other up.. but yeah something like day after tomorrow can occur.. its like another ice age... its bound to happen.. the natural disasters we are experiencing are yes natural but we are speeding up the process and making them un-natural by adding SO many pollutant to the air.. things like acid rain destroy rain forests and that alters our overall weather.. plus it kills of A MAJOR oxygen supply the rain forests provide about 60-66% of our worlds oxygen.. and call me old fashion but i like breathing clean air thank you very much

Re: pg. 13 Doomsday Odds Calculated

Well something like day after tomorrow can occur but it would take many, many years it would not just happen in a few days. It would slowly happen but I don’t think to that extent. You know how Hollywood makes things so much worse then what they would ever be. And I do think man will destroy its sell with a nuclear war. just think about it the Americans are the worlds supper power they can own any thing and any one they want. And they control most of the world’s nuclear weapons. And you know how stupid they can be some times. If a nuclear war does brake out we only have one county to blame the USA.

Re: pg. 13 Doomsday Odds Calculated

If nuclear war breaks out we just cannot blame the US. ALL the superpowers have nuclear weapons. If they didnt have any and only the US had some then and only then could we blame the US. We should be thankful to the US. We should be thankful to them for not invading us for our oil and WMD .

Re: pg. 13 Doomsday Odds Calculated

did you guys know that while canada doesn't have, or so were told, any nuclear weapons but we do have plants that make nuclear reacotrs (CANDU) and sell them to other countries.

Re: pg. 13 Doomsday Odds Calculated

Well..that's always good. I definitely go with the consensus. Even though some countries grow like rabbits..with all the weapons in the world, we will die before anything major happens. Nice thought and future we have isn't it?

Re: pg. 13 Doomsday Odds Calculated

great we sell reactors and then the other country pulls the nuclear weapon out of it.. thats always nice..

Re: pg. 13 Doomsday Odds Calculated

Ya so by helping a country the end up threading us for our oil and land.

Re: pg. 13 Doomsday Odds Calculated

Ya it stinks doesn't it....I guess there is nothing we can do..we just have to wait for the future to come. I don't know how much a physics 30 class could do to stop all of this from happening.

Re: pg. 13 Doomsday Odds Calculated

It is true, we sell CANDU reactors (which you'll learn about at the end of Physics 30) to countries like India, who then turn around and use the plutonium they produce for weapons. It is also true that we do not have any nuclear weapons of our own. We simply don't have to, because the US will protect us with their "nuclear umbrella" at all costs. Why, you ask? Because, besides being very polite, resource rich, and makers of fine donuts, we have the largest uranium deposits outside of Russia and South America. They want us as friends so that we can continue to sell them uranium.

Re: pg. 13 Doomsday Odds Calculated

hmm... the one of the largest uranium deposits you say. good for us. maybe we could threaten to stop selling it to them if they try to close borders to alberta beef again.

Re: pg. 13 Doomsday Odds Calculated

That would not do anything we can’t do nothing with just the uranium you have to make the weapons with it first. And any way even if we did the US would just barge in and take it we would not beagle to stop them. It is just like that with our oil and water. if we stop supplying them they will take us over and Canada is no longer known as Canada it will be known as US 2

Re: pg. 13 Doomsday Odds Calculated

Haha that would be so horrible!! US 2.....I guess us Canadians are not in that great of a position....yes we have the United States protection in war and such, and they are one of the largest superpowers in the world, and we are like their best friends. But if we try and rebel or try to cut off some sort of supply from the USA...they would simply come in and shut us down. So either way we have to "obey their commands." That's stupid. But I guess you can say that we are the USA's little stupid does that sound?

Re: pg. 13 Doomsday Odds Calculated

actually when you look at it our world is nuclearly balanced. besides i think our oh so great leaders are aware that if they bomb a country they are pretty much killing themselves since that country can turn around and bomb it. just like the cuban missile crisis. for this reason everyone's scared to used nukes because they've become so dangerous and so common. anyways i believe that in a couple of decades we will have found ways to live in outer space and on other planets, maybe even finding ways to survive in the water or without oxygen but carbon dioxide. it's human instinct to find a way to survive at all costs

Re: pg. 13 Doomsday Odds Calculated

That is true. And Crystal, if what you are saying is also true, about living underwater and stuff..I am so there! I will live under the sea!!