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Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

Yeah hyperspace organisms... thats possible... to me thats the metaphysical like the afterlife. But i mean where do we draw the line between philosophy and physics. you know what i mean?

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

Ya i know what you mean John. Its because philosophy and physics are so closly realated when it comes to talking about the afterlife and such.

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

hyperspace organisms. whats that?

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

I do find these other universes hard to believe, BUT then again I find having all these dimensions hard to believe as well. How can you prove it, and yet how can you disprove it 100%. You can't. It is the same with religion, myths, and beliefs in certain cultures. Some may not be as far-fetched, but the principle and idea is the same. You just believe it.

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

yes okay but i mean take religion for example, the bible is something that you have to believe in and yet there really is no good proof for it. Where as physics there is constant developments being made that help us to further our beliefs in mutliple dimensions or even existence in other organisms. so what i'm trying to say is that physics really isn't a myth but rather a puzzle in which we have to not only find the piece but make it fit the big picture

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions

That's true, we have to just believe and understand the theories and such....the problem that scientists and physicts have is to make all of this theory crystal said "The Big Picture."

Re: Wu-Li Other Dimensions
