Watchmen On The Wall Forum

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Isaiah 62:6

I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, [which] shall never hold their peace day or night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence

1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 KJV

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

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Child_of_the_King777's "911" vision!!! IT'S ALL ABOUT TO GO DOWN!!!! (dunamis333; 6/10/24)

Child_of_the_King777's "911" vision!!! IT'S ALL
ABOUT TO GO DOWN!!!! (dunamis333; 6/10/24)

dunamis333 mentions a POST by Watchwoman 65.
LISTEN to the 1st 30 seconds!!!

Isaiah 26:20 KJV
20 Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and
shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a
little moment, until the indignation be overpast.



7.61K subscribers
Jun 10, 2024




12 hours ago
Thank you so much for your video and insights! I believe we will be raptured soon!
I have an insight I would l like to share. I started to see a repeat pattern, something I saw before my vision of 911!

About a week ago I started feeling uneasy, something felt off, similar but I couldn't quite figure out why! I figured it was my uneasiness with both of my kids and my grand-daughter leaving on the same day, May 31st!
They were not all leaving for the same destination! My son, his girlfriend and their doggies were moving to a New England state and my Daughter and Granddaughter were going on vacation!

So why did I feel so uneasy! My husband and my grandson left to go to a football game on Saturday June 1st so the house was empty and I start to feel that uneasiness again and I began talking to the Lord asking what was I missing? Then as the day went on pieces of the puzzle started to connect! It was like having Déjà Vu, I realized a pattern of events and days were happening again just like before 911. Kids leaving on Friday May 31st and we left Friday August 31st in 2001. Kids coming back to the midwest Sunday June 9th, just like they did on Sunday September 9th 2001. And two days later is Tuesday June 11th, the Jewish holiday Shavuot and the attack on the towers Tuesday September 11th 2001. 611 seems very similar to 911!

I really believe there is something significant about this day! Will there be an attack on American or Israel or will it be the rapture or both!!

I just felt compelled to let people know what may happen Please keep this in prayer!
Thank you and God bless you!

I wrote out my 911 vision for you to have context!

I had a vision in August 2001 about a city on the water that was filled with smoke! I then felt and heard a rumble! And I heard the screams and crys of many people! I was horrified! I didn't know what to think! I had never had a vision
before and it was very unclear what city I was seeing but the Lord said judgment was coming and I needed to escape!!

So many things were going on at the same time! My mom was moving to New Mexico, my children were going to Chicago and my husband and I were going to Iowa. All this was happening on Labor Day weekend! I was a little worried but I trusted the Lord we would all be safe!

My husband and I were the last to leave on August 31, 2001 and as we left I felt we could be escaping judgment! But my husband and I came home from Iowa, a few days later my Mom made it to New Mexico and my children came back on September 9, 2001! I was relieved! Nothing happened!

Then two days later on a beautiful, sunny, St. Louis morning, I took my daughter to work and headed home!
What started as a wonderful day quickly was the worse day I can remember and I will never forget!

When I pulled in the driveway my neighbor ran up to tell me what was happening in N.Y.C.
I quickly excused myself and ran in the house and turn on the TV!

I couldn't believe what I was seeing!! This was what I saw in my vision! By this time one tower was down and the second was coming down as I watched in horror and I heard the screams again in my head! I could not believe this was happening!!
I didn't understand why would the Lord tell me this!

It was a mystery until a year ago, when the Lord said to remember what He had told me on August 31, 2001, that I would escape judgment and thats when I realized the Lord could be talking about the rapture!

I have been seeing over and over again 11 11 could this be 911 and 611! All will be revealed in His timing and as we wait on the Lord.


U.S., France, & Great Britain put on permanent nuclear alert! LINK