Watchmen On The Wall Forum

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Isaiah 62:6

I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, [which] shall never hold their peace day or night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence

1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 KJV

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

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NOW IS THE TIME- prophetic word Kerianna 83 6/8/24

NOW IS THE TIME- prophetic word Kerianna 83 6/8/24

Pinned by Kerianna 83
22 hours ago
"listen, you must pray for those who do not know me- those
who have backslidden, those who are essentially lost -
((brought back to the word lamp stand))- idolatry keeps my
children distracted. Looking to man for inspiration, looking
to man for entertainment purposes. Not my word. Not my son.
I will remove the lamp stands of these idols you hold soo dear.
It is necromancy the way you honor them. Would they give
their life so you could have yours? Would they suffer in even
the slightest way for you? No. They don’t even know who YOU
ARE. For I know the number of hairs that are on your head,
before you were formed in your mother’s womb I KNEW YOU
AND LOVE YOU. You will not honor or even acknowledge the
freedom you have to choose me. Why? Why put soo much
above your loving God, your Father. You are deceived and
being adopted into family with the father of lies. You’re
choosing one that mocks and perverts my ways, causing harm
in your lives while you in the moment believe it to be a
blessing. Not my blessing. My child, satan has no care about
you- it is about control- pulling you from me and laughing
at you for falling for it all. Manipulated words and a made
up gospel of ‘do as thou wilt’. Your will. Not mine. My will
for your lives is to prosper. Your will for yourselves will
cause you much harm. Repent I say! Repent! Be baptized anew
with my spirit. My spirit of righteousness… live righteously
IN TRUTH! No longer abiding in sin… abide in me child. Come
as you are and I will transform you… trust in me and I will
bring you to light dispelling the darkness you’re emanating.
The hour is ohh soo late little one. Come my lost sheep. Sup
with me. For I stand at the door and knock. Allow me to wash
your feet. Allow me in to comfort you. Allow me in relationship
with you. I love you everlasting. Now is the time. Before the
door of the ark closes. Please wake up my child. I am love.
You’re not forgotten - I am with you. Father"


NOW IS THE TIME- prophetic word Kerianna 83 6/8/24

Kerianna 83
6.12K subscribers
22 hours ago


U.S., France, & Great Britain put on permanent nuclear alert!
(Watchwoman 65; 6/10/24) LINK

Child_of_the_King777's "911" vision!!! IT'S ALL
ABOUT TO GO DOWN!!!! (dunamis333; 6/10/24) LINK

Russians docking in Havana, I had a dream of this in 2022.
(Gator1111; 6/10/24) LINK