Watchmen On The Wall Forum

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Isaiah 62:6

I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, [which] shall never hold their peace day or night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence

1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 KJV

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

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Dream About Earthquake in America

From Esther Willrise - 11 years ago on 6/30/2013

A dream about an earthquake measuring 10 on the Richter scale in America. "In my dream, I saw a 21-gun salute with canons occurring at the time the earthquake happened. I am not sure if this is indicating that it will happen on or around a particular day like Memorial Day or Independence Day."


Today I want to share with you a dream that I had in February this year. When I first had the dream, I shared it with some family and friends and other close acquaintances. But in the last couple of weeks, I feel God pressing into me to share it beyond just my circle of friends. So here goes. On the 6th of February this year, 2013, I woke from a dream of America having an earthquake. In that dream, I was walking past my TV in the living room and I saw breaking news of a major earthquake. I turned to my 15-year-old son who was sitting on the lounge to say, "Look, it's happening," as if I was expecting it. It was like I knew, like God had already told me that there was going to be a major earthquake, and now I was actually seeing it on the TV, the breaking news of it happening.

On the television, I turned back to the television and it showed that the earthquake was a 10 on the Richter scale. Then it went away from that scene and I wasn't watching the earthquake from the footage anymore. I was actually looking down as the earthquake was happening. So I was like I was in the sky looking down at it and I saw, just before the earthquake happened, I saw military, but not military that were actually working, more military that were wearing their formal uniform for a presentation. I don't know what you call it but they were in their more formal uniform and they were doing a gun salute, like a 21-gun salute. So it was like there was some sort of occasion that they were doing a gun salute and this earthquake happened. When the earthquake happened, I saw the ground not split apart as such, well it did split, but rather than pulling away and making a big gap, one side rose up really really high while the other side obviously dropped away really low, like plates colliding.

I thought that was really unusual that I saw these military people doing a gun salute at the time that it happened. I thought there was some significance to that. When I woke up, I immediately Googled when those kinds of events happen in America. Being in Australia, I'm not familiar with that, so it came up that the 21-gun salute is done on Memorial Day and on Independence Day. Now, I'm not setting dates. I'm not suggesting that it's happening this year, however, I just have felt that pressing need from God to get it out there. Today's the 1st of July, we're only a few days away from Independence Day, so needless to say I have no idea whether it's going to happen then. There wasn't any date specified in the dream. I just thought it was unusual that those gun salutes were happening during the earthquake.

So, needless to say, I just was prompted to share. There was a little bit more to the dream that was kind of separate from the earthquake. I think I thought this was unusual too. It's totally separate from the earthquake itself, but it was also in the same dream. I saw pre-printed booklets being distributed amongst people and they were, to me, they came across like they were propaganda. Pre-printed booklets on how to worship. I know that sounds really weird, but it was like they were giving instructions on how to worship a false god. I'm not sure. I know that's really random but I can't work that one out but I thought I better share that as well. I'd actually completely forgot about it until I was reading through my diary because I'd focused so much on the earthquake and then I thought, gee, there's probably some significance to that as well. So I'm going to share that. Feel free to give me some comments on that if you've got any ideas, but it definitely came across as some sort of propaganda material that's going to be distributed to people. Again, it's going to mislead people.

May Jesus Bless You All,
