I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, [which] shall never hold their peace day or night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence
1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 KJV
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
If you would like to post, please send me an email at hogwoodk@gmail.com
Full Armour of God - Sherri
632 subscribers
Nov 17, 2024
Scriptures: King James Version LINK
Genesis 15: 7-14; Jeremiah 9: 12-16; Hosea 5: 8 15;
Revelation 13: 11-18; Hosea 4:6
*Video introduction taken from IntroBit app
*My video of prophetic word from June 19, 2023:
• Pact:1620 Expired:Mayflower⛵️Compact:
• LINK *My video of prophetic word from June 19, 2023:
*Information about T-Mobile cyberattack and Continental
Congress 1783 (Treaty of Paris) were taken from Ask Google
*Scripture of Hosea 4:6, narrated by Max McLean was taken
from BibleGateway.com
For questions and/or prayer requests, email me at:
Vision/Dreams: Fruit USA can't "pray away" (Midnight Hour Oil; 11/9/24)
SERIOUS WARNING: Vision/Dreams - America Is About
to Be Given Her Own Fruit - Judgment IS Coming! LINK
"The Lord Showed Me A Vision!!! Trump = The End LINK
Re: "400-year" 1620 Mayflower Compact "expired" 2020! NOW time for USA justice! (Sherri; 11/17/2
The 1620 Mayflower Compact was signed on 11/11 during the Julian calendar Before the Gregorian calendar so the 'lost' 11 days of September 1752, skipped when Britain changed over from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar. Could make
Pastor Philip Barnett's prophecy mentioned on November 11th a nuclear war might take place, actually on Nov 22nd Gregorian calendar.
11/11 Julian calendar= 11/22 Gregorian calendar
Re: "400-year" 1620 Mayflower Compact "expired" 2020! NOW time for USA justice! (Sherri; 11/17/2
Re: "400-year" 1620 Mayflower Compact "expired" 2020!
NOW time for USA justice! (Sherri; 11/17/24)
Raul D. wrote:
The 1620 Mayflower Compact was signed on 11/11 during the Julian
calendar Before the Gregorian calendar so the 'lost' 11 days of
September 1752, skipped when Britain changed over from the Julian
calendar to the Gregorian calendar. Could make Pastor Philip Barnett's
prophecy mentioned on November 11th a nuclear war might take place,
actually on Nov 22nd Gregorian calendar.
11/11 Julian calendar= 11/22 Gregorian calendar
DOUBLE disorder, chaos and judgment!!!
I posted this ALMOST EXACTLY 3 months ago....
3 knocks @ 11:00!! Let chaos & disorder begin as
Tonight (8/19/24), I had been asleep but was actually awake
when 3 knocks came on the wall of my room at exactly 11:00!!
Meaning of Numbers: The Number 11LINK The meaning of the number eleven is important in that it can
symbolize disorder, chaos and judgment. In the Bible, 11 is
used twenty-four times and "11th" can be found 19 times.
Coming after 10 (which symbolizes law and responsibility),
eleven (11) represents the opposite, which is the irresponsibility
of breaking the Law, which brings disorder and judgment.
In Genesis 11, men rebelled against God and built the tower of
Babel. He judged them by confusing their language, resulting
in chaos. Jehoiakim, one of the last kings over Judah, ruled for
eleven years (609 to 598 B.C.). His successor, King Jehoiachin,
rules for only three months before the Babylonians take control
of Jerusalem.