Watchmen On The Wall Forum

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Isaiah 62:6

I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, [which] shall never hold their peace day or night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence

1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 KJV

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

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INVASIONS, 2 bears dream (Russia, China) TWICE (confirmation) / "Nukes come down, bride goes UP!"

INVASIONS, 2 bears dream (Russia, China) given TWICE (confirmation)
on the SAME MORNING / "Nukes come down, bride goes UP!"

When God mentions something "TWICE"*** in scripture,
it declares the CERTAINTY of a coming event!!

Genesis 41:32 NIV
The REASON the dream was given to Pharaoh IN TWO


INVASIONS ARE UPON YOU (2 bears dream, etc.):
REPOST from 6/26/2020!

(post from 5/21/07)

***Two bears dream

On February 19th, I woke up between 12 midnight and 1:00 a.m.
after having a scary dream. The location of the dream (I realized
after analyzing it) was the same bayou where I was walking with
my brother and a stranger in my spring, 1998 dream. Although I
didn't see my old home there in Mississippi where I used to live, I
was down along the same bayou in the dream.

For some reason there were VERY BAD bears (grizzly or brown
bears) that were trying to get to me from across the bayou as I
walked along. These bears were VERY mad, and, for some reason,
I didn't even have a pistol with me (which I would CERTAINLY have
taken in bear country). I remember trying to tell someone to hurry
and throw me a gun but, AS THE DREAM WENT ON, the bears had
found a way across the bayou!!! This was VERY disconcerting because
the bayou HAD BEEN a "type" of impediment for them in the 1st part
of the dream (and they HAD BEEN on the other side). There were 2
bears running towards me and about to catch and kill me (I knew)
because I didn't have a pistol with me and then I woke up.

***Summer girl THE SAME MORNING had this SAME TYPE DREAM:

...This is very strange, as it is now 8;30 a.m. in Oregon and I woke up 7 a.m. having just had a dream about two brown bears chasing me some woods, (not the South), and I was running along a path away
...from them.

...They were inches from me and somehow I had some white vinegar a bottle and threw the liquid at their noses... this stopped them in
...their tracks; I was then out of vinegar and continued to run, escaping

...Now this isn't prophetic, but it IS interesting that two people on
...different coasts, dream the same night about bears chasing them.

...Also, I might add, that my two cats were also on the path with me,
...running for their lives, ahead of me.

...I seldom dream anything that I can recall later.

We KNOW that the terrorists who had planned to attack soldiers at
Fort Dix, New Jersey had sneaked across our "porous" border of


Dream: heard, "When the nukes come down, the Body of Christ goes up!"
(Prophetess A'lisa; 10/3/24) LINK

Special message!

Prophetess A'lisa
2.31K subscribers
Oct 3, 2024

(posted 5/17/12)
Nicole Poon's Visions May, 2012

17 May 2012/
I prayed for what we had learned in 1 peter and should do
as Christian. God showed a missile was flying towards the
earth and aimed at America. At the same time, the countless
doves were flying upward to another planet. Before the
missile arrived, the doves had left.


(From an old post...)

Rapture Bus Dream: Israel 70-75 Year Birthday! (stepUp4Jesus; 4/25/23):
Interconnected with USA nuked and RAPTURE!!

Her summation is SOOO INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!

Rapture Bus Dream: Israel 70-75 Year Birthday!

886 subscribers
Apr 25, 2023

After giving her dream, she makes the connection to Biden
and the destruction of Babylon USA and our RAPTURE!!

Start at 3:40

17 May 2012/ I prayed for what we had learned in 1 peter and should do as
Christian. God showed a missile was flying towards the earth and aimed at
America. At the same time, the countless doves were flying upward to another
planet. Before the missile arrived, the doves had left.

Re: INVASIONS, 2 bears dream (Russia, China) TWICE (confirmation) / "Nukes come down, bride goes UP

Yesterday, upon waking up, I heard the words: "Bear Trap". Usually, when you think of a bear trap, it's a metal tool used for capturing a bear. However, my sense is that "Bear Trap" had to do with Russia (bear) and China (panda) launching a sneak attack on the USA.

Re: INVASIONS, 2 bears dream (Russia, China) TWICE (confirmation) / "Nukes come down, bride goes UP

Robby wrote!!!!

Nov 23, 2024 - 9:35AM

Yesterday, upon waking up, I heard the words: "Bear Trap". Usually,
when you think of a bear trap, it's a metal tool used for capturing
a bear. However, my sense is that "Bear Trap" had to do with Russia
(bear) and China (panda) launching a sneak attack on the USA.

THANKS MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's like the DAYS OF NOAH - so FEW are watching events!!!

(posted earlier...)

Vision: Vaunted days of the great Babylon USA now end
like fall leaves of this year! LINK

Vision: Vaunted (LINK highly or widely praised or boasted
days of the Great Babylon USA now end like the fall
leaves of this year!

I have a VERY good black friend whom my mother loved and
greatly helped (along with her sister) since they were little
girls. Their mother was babysitter (for my 2 brothers and I)
when we were very young.

This lady is now VERY involved in politics and knows MANY
democrats - Bill, Hillary, Obama, etc. - and MANY other
politicians. They love her and she loves them.

This morning (11/20/24) VERY early I was lying in bed just
thinking of things and had a vision of brown leaves of this
fall being blown about. The USA (Revelation 18 LINK) is about
to come to an END! Russia and China will make quick work of
this spoiled rotten nation that is just over 400 years old.

(earlier post...)

Re: Urgent End-Tome Vision Warning from the Lord:
THE ANTICHRIST IS Here! (Antwon Westbrooks) LINK



My 1998 dream (bottom of this old post) shows EVERYTHING
CHANGING as a smiling "O" takes over!

Satan's s"O"n is sitting back ready to take over!!!!


Robby wrote:

Antwon Westbrooks shares a vision of Barack Obama revealed to be
the Antichrist. Russia and China destroying America as Obama laughs.
And the evil things Obama does during the Tribulation.

***Urgent End-Time Vision Warning from the Lord:
THE ANTICHRIST IS HERE! - November 18, 2024


400-year 1620 Mayflower Compact EXPIRED 2020!
"NOW" = Time for USA justice! (Sherri; 11/17/24) LINK

Leaving "O's w"O"rld behind! Hurricane Milton's message:
"7 YEARS (from 8/21/17) ARE UP!!!" LINK

3 Woes ("hurricanes") and the trumpet blows ("we leave")!
We've had 2! (Mark Allison 88; 10/8/24) LINK

Revelation in The Stars on October 9th, 2024
(Ghosts619; 9/30/24) LINK

Moon in Sagittarius (10/9-10) = Babylon's fall:
I, Pet Goat II & The Ring (Br0th3r Dana; 10/6/24) LINK

"The land will be made desolate rendered uninhabitable."
"COME UP HITHER!" (Godshealer7; 10/6/24) LINK

5 soft knocks woke me up at 2:36 a.m.
236 = "change, alter, exchange, transform," LINK

2 dreams (one on 11/19/24) and "2:36" ("change,
alter, exchange, transform,") sign!! LINK

Heard, "Before the event of great affect!!" & dream afterwards!
(Keri Christ Follower; 11/19/24) LINK

Heard I.C.B.M., Biden may have started WW3
- another "Pearl Harbor" (Rob R.; 11/19/24) LINK