I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, [which] shall never hold their peace day or night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence
1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 KJV
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
If you would like to post, please send me an email at hogwoodk@gmail.com
Celebrations turn to "doom & gloom"!! 4 note sign!! "FINAL WARNING!!!" from 2 posts on 11/8/24!!
Celebrations turn to "doom & gloom"!! 4 note sign!!
"FINAL WARNING!!!" from 2 posts on 11/8/24!!
While saying my prayers in bed early this morning, at 2:32***
my clock made a 4 note sound! This has happened before with
other signs being given!!! I searched my posts and found that
I had gotten this number back on 11/8/24!!!!
Awake vision, posts rolling by! 2nd TRUMP = 2nd (& LAST)
"Their day of celebration will turn into doom and gloom."
(The Day of the Lord; 11/8/24) - FINAL WORDS TO USA! LINK
This morning (11/9/24), as I came back from eating 2 pieces
of small toast and honey and was about to sit down and read
my One Year Bible, my phone made a 5 note sound at 2:31,
and, in about 1 second, the time became 2:32 a.m. Number ***2:32 is a chiasmus with 23 on each side and 23 means "death".
Then, when I opened my computer, I found this note from
Elliot Hong:
This message LINK says
"Their day of celebration will turn into doom and gloom."
The Day of the Lord LINK
11/8/24 12:19 PM
Terry Crockett
I speak from a High and Lofty place on My Throne. What is man that I take note of him exalting him beyond his place, lifting him to the place of My Throne?
I am about to pour My wrath on a people unaware and not ready. For their day of celebration will turn into doom and gloom, yet My Mercy will be seen, even in the midst of war.
I have My way, as an East Wind begins to stir picking up strength as it forms. Strange in appearance —different as if voices were coming from within speaking, “The Day of the Lord has come”. Prophetic winds strengthening the whirlwind, as layer upon layer of The Lord’s prophetic warnings He given to His prophets begin to wrap themselves in the Lord’s command. I hear trumpets blowing from the four corners of Heaven warning both Heaven and Earth, “Judgment has arrived”!
Shake O’ Heavens for the fury of God is about to be released, “Brace yourself and take cover in His Mercies until these calamities pass and restoration begins!
There has never been such calamities and destruction released, nor will there ever be seen again. For the mouth of the Lord commands the seas to roar, giving the sword of death its place.
Did you think you would escape America and the Day of the Lord pass you by? Where is My Justice in that! For you’ve ignored My warnings and scourged My prophets, indulging in great darkness , all the while thinking I have not seen your atrocities. You’ve risen your altars to Baal, sacrificing your children to the fire, boasting in your arm to rule, inviting devils into My House!
Shall I not judge the house of vipers removing you from My House? Your leaders promote strange life altering ways of devils declaring these are normal and good! You have divided a nation against itself, all the while enriching your pockets with the people’s money. You’ve joined yourselves to foreign nations for gain, selling out the people under your care. Corruption, depravity and evil — I will not longer turn a blind eye. If I do not judge your wickedness, then I would be just like you and I AM NOT! For Holy is the Lord! My Righteousness shall visit you O’ America and the fury of My Judgment will be felt. How great is your fall, for in one night bombs will fall and terror will be heard. Run but you can’t hide for I will personally seek you O’ wicked man and you will know it is I the Lord!
But My Mercy will be great in that day to those who’ve taken shelter under My Wings of Atonement! Theirs will be a different story and My Glory and Presence will cover these in My Mercy. For My Judgment and Justice are Pure and My Holiness Rules!
How great is your fall, for in one night bombs will fall and terror
will be heard. Run but you can’t hide for I will personally seek
you O’ wicked man and you will know it is I the Lord!
But My Mercy will be great in that day to those who’ve taken
shelter under My Wings of Atonement! Theirs will be a different
story and My Glory and Presence will cover these in My Mercy.
For My Judgment and Justice are Pure and My Holiness Rules!