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Norwood Park Imperials Alumni Forum
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Here is some information about conditioning from Joanne Borck (wife of my brother). She is an RN and travelled with the Phantom Regiment for several years . Her son, Coilin, was a baritone player in the Regiment also.

The Regiment usually have DR or Med students do physicals on the kids. They also weigh in at every camp.  The do strengthening and conditioning and the members are encouraged to work out between camps.  They usually start AM practice with stretch exercises and besides warm ups and exercises they run.

I know Colin would start out everyday with weights on his bugle to build up his muscles for carrying his horn.  Colin was so fit when he marched and in great shape.  I would match the drum corps kids against the football team any day.  For all day endurance try cleaning the drill on a football field in Texas in July and every time you reset you run back to your spot.

There are so many things that drum corps taught Colin and when faced with something that may seem tough to do or difficult people to work with, Colin just tells me that he did drum corps and after that he  can do anything!

What did you do in the Corps? drummer

What years were you a Corps member? 1958-1963