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Chente en Los Arcos Ballroom

any one from Mid/OD going to the Dance EN KOS ARCOS BALLROOM?
I remember some advertisements back in the days
a man anouncing ads for dances en Los Arcos.
he had a cool voice for it. also, whatever happen to Las Palmas as well? I went there once or twice.
just throwing out a topic in the air.
y un saludo a todos.


Re: Chente en Los Arcos Ballroom

Tejano Music LIVES in Midland/Odessa, today as it has for the past 30 plus years. The Tejano landscape is changing as a new generation of Tejanos venture to conquer beyond the Capital of Tejano music (San Antonio).

Contribute to la cultura Tejana by joining Chente Barrera y Taconazo in Odessa on Saturday May 23rd. Bring everyone you love with you just like our parents used to bring us to the dance. Tradition and heritage are still the elements that keeps us bonded to an American original art form. Also remember Memorial Day Weekend is a time to reflect and celebrate the never ending commitments of our military brothers and sister of all colors and especially those Veterans whom we owe a lifetime of gratitude. Those who served and still serve allow us to live in a world of peace. Let us never forget the great price many have paid so that many cultures and one proud nation continue to prosper. Freedom, as culture, is at the core of our spirit and as proud Americans let's celebrate with voice of a new generation like Grammy Winner - Chente Barrera y Taconazo — Com' on.

Let's get up to get down - Tejano style in Odessa - SEE YOU THERE Amigos!

Ice Cubes