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Actions speak louder than words

My apologizes but here is my soap box….. I’ve read numerous posts here and the majority of them are complaining about bringing Tejano back. First of all we shouldn’t put each other down but support each other. My hats off to all of the TejanoVibes staff. I heard that they were DJing in Odessa, so we went to check them out and I can’t express my disappointment in words. Don’t get me wrong the music was awesome but there were only 4 people there including us. I guess the positive side was we had the dance floor all to ourselves. But how can everyone complain with they don’t support the individuals that are keeping Tejano alive? Look at it from a business perspective one side of the club is packed (norteno) and the other side is dead (Tejano) anyone can put two and two together and figure out what is going to happen. Her e is our opportunity to unite and speak as one. Actions speak louder than words. Don’t get me wrong, I am not trying to put anyone down, I’m just venting my frustration. Tejano is part of our culture passed from one generation to another and it is time for this generation to step up….spread the word each one of us can make a difference.

Re: Actions speak louder than words

Tejanos don't go to la playa. Its not that people dont support tejano its because that club sucks. I will not spent a dime knowing that it's going into the pockets of those sellouts that ruin KMRK Tejano 96.1. We havent forgotten the program director from KMRK who now supports Norteno and wont even play tejano anymore unless its elida or david lee. Now that they see how well tejanovibes is doing they want to bank on it and want us to go back. NO WAY. The tejanos are supporting tejano but they're at toby's not laplaya. Tejanovibes needs to get out of there before they start looking bad. Please dont sell out and kiss their ass. Its not worth it. Get out quick.

Re: Actions speak louder than words make some very good points.We may look at our Tejano music as a culture thing, or hobby,or even as a tradition..but you are right, bottom line is that it is a business. I mean it is a business as far as keeping the music on the air or in the clubs.
And just like any business, if it doesn't produce results or will be shut down. It doesn't matter who is "right or wrong"...everyone suffers. Yes,I also agree, that it is a sad situation when in the same building, one side is full and the other side is empty, for whatever reasons.
Maybe John, you have one of the answers to that...
I have been going to the Playa since it opened.But, when they changed "the music", I too quit going. I have only been back when Ruben Ramos,or Little Joe or some other Tejano artist were featured.Those times it seemed that the place was not "packed" like I expected...a good crowd but certainly not packed. If it is something against the owners or other circumstances who knows...but I guess it must be something!
Like you say...Saturday nights at Toby's is always full...and why? If it wasn't profitable...Toby's would have changed the music by now. Lets hope this doesn't happen at La Playa...and as you noted...the writing may already be on the wall...or on the dance floor.

Re: Actions speak louder than words

Maybe it's the fact that norteno is on the other side that turns "tejanos" off from going... If a "sell out" is trying to cash in on the tejano movement, then I say get out and start somewhere where tejano means something, and isn't about the "business" !!!

Re: Actions speak louder than words

The point I was trying to make was that we need to support the Tejano Vibes staff. If more people don't show up to their events than it is a matter of time before they are replaced with another venue (this is what I was referring to in my original post regarding business). Guys I can't make every event, but I'm there every chance I get. Thanks again for the great music! - TRU

Re: Actions speak louder than words

It's not so much supporting Tejanovibes staff but supporting Tejano music. There is so much Tejano music going around the Odessa/Midland area that there is no reason to go out and support. There also is a radio station in Odessa that plays Tejano Music and that are bringing Tejano groups to the area. All we have to do is go out and attend these events. Thanks for the support in the music and to all the artists.

Re: Actions speak louder than words

***** TejanosRUs - your using my handle TRU *****

I don't understand how you can support the artist and not support the Tejano Vibes Staff. They both need one another, without airtime from the radio/DJs the artist would remain unknown and without the music the DJs would have nothing to play. We have to support all aspects of Tejano music. Supporting the Tejano Vibes Staff allows them to keep this site up and running and without their updates I wouldn't know who is playing where. You guys keep on playing, I'll keep on listening!