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65 Years Old and Learning

I have been living with a particular sound in my mind for at least 25 years and I finally decided to create it not really knowing where it would go.....
By the early eighties I had burned out from La Onda and it's working methods by the whole Industry. I had already had an incredible run as a Trumpet player with the Top bands in Texas and as a trumpet player with big bands in Las Vegas...and of course leading my own Band Tortilla...Charro and I took a sabbatical in 1986 and it took us 23 years to reunite. I am once again enjoying being a part of La Onda because I can contribute on the creative part.
Everybody is asking what our new urban Tejano sound is like......and all I can tell you it is still Onda, they are polkas but they are stylistically Romantic, Elegant, smooth, Jazzy, and the chord structure of the music is light and pretty like the colors of the rainbow Art Guillermo our keyboard player is a genius with knowledge of Chord Structure and Art and My son Alfredo have a new sound and a great new voice that compliments the sound to the max. ..........We have used heavy block Chords to sound heavy and powerful in the past but this is powerful yet smooth.........So there!
In a nutshell............that's what the new Urban sound sounds like......Merry Xmas Raza!