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Albert Garcia y PT Showband

If you were at Casa Lopez Cafe last night, for the introduction of the first band to perform for Tejano Thursdays, you already know Albert Garcia and his awesome PT Showband did one HELL of a job! He also had some special guest in tha house; John Ontiveros (Hot Horns and Little Joe), Joaquin Cura (Joaquin & The Texas Jewels), Tania and Ben (Los Matadors), all got up on stage and jammed. It was one great show and excited for May 1 to see this band perform for the return of the TejanoVibes Summer Concert Series at the Grande Communications Stadium - Commons Area. Also performing April 15th at Casa Lopez Cafe will be The young guns of West Texas ~ Los Matadors.

Re: Albert Garcia y PT Showband

Although I wasn't able to make it to Casa Lopez last night, I'm sure that Albert and PTS rocked da house. A couple of weeks ago I traveled all the way to San Antonio for the Fan Fair to hear all the "over 100" bands advertised to be there. I heard many,many different bands, some new and some old. I really enjoyed listening to Rick Balderama, Rudy Placios,Los Cuatro Del Barrio,and Roger Velasquez just to name a few.But, I must say, the one that impressed me the most was Albert and PTS with the Hot Horns ! It seemed that they were on every stage I got to see them several times. They really put on a show each and everytime they performed. Albert has a way with the crowd, Big John leading the Hot Horns, Steve Ochoa smoking the guitar, and all those "special guest"artist that also joined them, Tania and Ben, Mike Torres III, Mike Torres Jr, and the others who I did not get to meet, made for a very rousing performance. Let me tell you, Midland and West Texas was very well represented in San Antonio, the CAPTIAL of Tejano music.

I heard so many songs during that whole weekend, from so many different artist. But, since coming back, I have this one song that keeps playing over and over in my head.(does that ever happen to anyone else?) It's called "Barbacoa Blues",as sung by Albert & PTS, not Ruben Ramos. Albert has now made that song HIS !!.....Cochino !

Re: Albert Garcia y PT Showband

Chito , I want to smoke some of that stuff Steve Ochoa was smoking on his guitar bong. Up in smoke.