Karol made my think...I know bad uh, oh ...do you have any old picture from school? Are you able to scan them onto your computer?
Send them to me, along with names, a story if there is one, or just the names . I'll post them.
I was reminded in all our talk of Mr. Miller and Riley, that I have a small handful of picture from, I think, the last day of school....a faculty/student softball game. Sadly they are blurry...a Kodak 110 camera and no photography classes yet . There's Mr. Howell, Coach Lindsey, Derek, Dina and more.
I know I have a bunch of pics somewhere. Dont know if any of them had the cows though! I'll go through my stash this weekend and see what I can find and scan/send them to you. It's funny... living so far from where I grew up and went to school, I am suprised how much I miss connecting with people with whom I have something in common. Wendy - I think I even have a photo from Mr. Johns 5th grade class when he took his "Superstars" to DQ. Do you remember that? There is you, Laura Draeger, Aimee Grandy(Reid)and a few others too!
Great way to get a class together before heading off to the big ol' Jr. High.
Met some of my best friends there.
During summer break from college one year, Curt Inks and I went out to see a buddy who was working in the factory that once was Riley School. Walking the halls seemed like yesterday. I even remember who taught in which classrooms.
I wasn't big on pictures then like I am now. I scrapbook every chance I get. But I think I have some burried away down in a box in my basement. I will try to go through and find them. I think I may even have some as far back as Atkinson and Stamm. Not sure. I moved a lot in my 20's and I know some just ended up ruined. Remembering Mr. John's, he was my favorite elementary teacher. Although I do not miss Stamm Elementary School, getting beat up too many times kida ruined that for me, but I sure did like most of my teachers. Mrs. Ackerman was great too. Riley sure did create a lot of good memories too. Mr. Howell and Mr. Miller were some of my favorite teachers.
I remember how Mrs Ackerman, in order to keep you an Wendy Bowersox straight, called you Wendy "B.E." and Bowersox Wendy "B.O." How traumatic must that have been for poor Wendy Bowersox!!!