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Fremont Ross Class of 1985

Fremont Ross Class of 1985
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Re: Fire

Oh I'm so glad I'm not out there anymore. I was there for the fire in Laguna and Ortega back in '94(I think it was). We actually thought we might have to evacuate. When I drove home from work in Irvine, I could feel the heat of the fire in the Laguna hills and I was probably 5 miles away.

Re: Fire

Last year the fire in Agua Dulce (driftwood fire per the media) was on the hill on the other side of the street. We were loaded up to leave when the fire dept stated that it seemed ok. It was about 100 yards from our home. This fire burned about 22,000 acres and took out 15 homes, including my best friend's, which was on the news all the time, even Fox.

Re: Fire

Big fires again near our home and friend's homes - please pray

Re: Fire

I was getting ready to e-mail and ask if they were close again. I had heard it on the news but I was 1/2 listening so I didn't really hear where.

We'll keep you in our prayers...and keep our fingers crossed!!!

The Santa Ana's are fun to laugh at when you're watching tumble weed or cart go ripping across an empty parking lot....but the unfunny part is the fires. Someone needs to invent fire resistant building materials....if someone reading this does...I'll take my royalties.