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Good Books for the Newly Pregnant and Confused

Hi! I just wanted to let all of you expectant mothers out there, and all the new, naive and utterly confused ones (like I was!) that are looking for answers, that personally I found a few books to be of enormous help to me and advice from those older and wiser than I of course. Talking to mums that have done it a couple of times already is always the greatest source of advice I've found!! Hopefully this Forum can be somewhat of a large mothers group where we can share all sorts of useful tit-bits! :) 'UP THE DUFF' (found at all good book stores of course) was great for me while I was pregnant as it goes step by step, week by week it tells you something else about what was happening to my bundle of joy inside and my bloated body on the outside! Every Thurs night I'd sit and read a bit and there are even little exercises throughout, and the way its written is an absolute hoot!! .... Since having my little Angel there have been many a question and I have found 'KID WRANGLING' and also 'TODDLER TAMING' by Dr Christopher Green to be of the most practical use so far. Hope you check these out and get something out of them as I have. . You'll find some good ones for the Guys on the Baby-HQ site too.