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Why do girls lie about their virginity

Why do some girls tell a guy that they are virgins but they are not?

There is a case of someone I know who was with this girl. She insisted and kept on going that she was a virgin. They had sex and she claimed he disvirgined her. The boy said it didn't seem like so.

My question is what was the girl's intention?

Re: Why do girls lie about their virginity

i think its all about the belief or should i say the myth sorroundind virginity. especialy the innocence associated with it[virginity] and tht is the need to protect and preserve that innocence which most of have lost and still long to i think thats the reason most girls use it as an emotional or should i say psychological weapon against men.preying on one of our basic psychological instinct of protecting the weaker sex.thats the oldest trick in the world.