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How to end a relationship

Don’t do a disappearing act. Sadly this is an all too common tactic with men, but listen up… it’s just not cool. “My friends and I agree there’s nothing worse than fading away into oblivion!” says Stacey, 29, from Pensacola, FL. “Then the girl is left just wondering and waiting.” Women need some sort of closure, and you owe her some kind of explanation before you decide to vanish.

Do consider the timing. Though it’s not totally your responsibility to see how she survives the breakup, you can help ease the transition by considering when you break the news. “It’s thoughtful and courteous to be aware of what is going on in her life,” says JoAnn Magdoff, Ph.D., a psychotherapist in New York City, NY. In other words, don’t be an extra-special jerk by delivering the news when she’s already going through a rough patch. If she lost her job yesterday, give it a little time before having the big talk.

Don’t rely on technology. We live in a world of cell phones, Blackberries, and IMs, which means it’s easier than ever to get in touch with each other. But, please don’t use it as a way to escape confrontation. “Using technology to break up is a cowardly act—it means you don’t have the balls to face me,” says Kerry, 37, from Portsmouth, NH. “If you liked me enough to kiss me, sleep with me, have a romance with me, then I think the very least you can do is honor that connection by ending it in person.”

Do give her face time. You may be tempted to deliver the news and then get the heck out of there, but there’s nothing worse than bringing up the subject when you don’t have adequate time to discuss it. Yes, that means you will have to talk to her and you might have to witness some tears, but it’s the right thing to do. “My ex broke up with me by meeting me for a drink, and we had a very open and civilized conversation,” says Gigi, 39, from New York, NY. “Yes, it still hurt, but because of the classy way he handled it, we didn’t lose our friendship, too.”

Do choose your location wisely. There’s no reason to break the news behind closed doors—but a bit of privacy is a good thing. What you shouldn’t do is deliver the news someplace where she’ll lose dignity. “If you’re at a party surrounded by friends where everyone will see her if she bursts into tears, that’s not a good call,” says Wygant. “This is between the two of you, not your whole posse.” Wygant also suggests staying away from your favorite haunt or where you had your first date or anywhere that will evoke painful memories. Think neutral, think semi-private, and let her save face.

Don’t be too honest. Women need “reasons” so they can accept the breakup and move on. But there’s one big caveat… don’t be spiteful or hurtful. “Getting broken up with is insulting at some level and just being rejected feels bad enough. So why make the person feel worse?” says Laurie Puhn, J.D., author of Instant Persuasion: How to Change Your Words to Change Your Life. No woman wants to hear that you’re dumping her because she has bad breath or she’s no longer attractive to you or you’re insanely attracted to her best friend. These kinds of reflections shouldn’t be shared: “You’re no longer entitled to give advice or criticism because you aren’t her boyfriend anymore,” says Puhn. Instead, your reasons for breaking up should focus on how you two aren’t the right match. Try saying something like “Both of us are good people, but I don’t think we’re the right fit together.”

Don’t hedge. You start to deliver the news, you see her lip quiver, and you think, Oh no, she’s going to cry. Should you attempt to soften the blow by saying “Well, there might be a chance for us in the future but right now the timing isn’t good” or “Maybe when things quiet down at work” or “I think I just need a break”? No, no, no! Giving a woman a false sense of hope will not help her heal. “If you know it’s over, spare her the agony of pretending that you might call her sometime when you won’t,” says Dr. Magdoff. “If you really aren’t certain about the future, you can say ‘I’m not sure, but please don’t hold your breath…’”

Don’t freak if she gets emotional. We’re reputed to be the more sensitive sex, remember? So yes, there’s a chance that your gal might start sobbing or screaming or otherwise emoting (and you need to let her). “If she gets hostile or weepy, stay calm and let her get angry or hysterical for a little while; remember, you’ve been thinking about the breakup for weeks, she heard about it 10 seconds ago,” says Puhn. If she gets more and more worked up as the minutes pass, however, take your leave and give her some down time to adjust to the new information. “Before walking away, however, set a specific time to talk later to give her security that you’re willing to explain yourself and listen to w