I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, [which] shall never hold their peace day or night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence
1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 KJV
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
If you would like to post, please send me an email at hogwoodk@gmail.com
A Connection of The Annular Solar Eclipse 2023 and the 15th Day of Passover 2024 (Elliot Hong)
A Connection of The Annular Solar Eclipse 2023
and the 15th Day of Passover 2024 (Elliot Hong)
[Elliot sent this to Five Doves for 5/5/24 placement...]
Dear Doves:
As I mentioned several times, I believe that the current
timeline has begun from the full moon of Sukkot last year.
It was 8 years from the last Sukkot Blood Moon of the Tetrad.
It was the 4th Supermoon of 4 Supermoons in a row.
And the Annular Solar Eclipse which passed through
Corpus Christi appeared on 10/14/23.
It represents the Marriage of the Lamb.
10/14/23 was the 15th day of Sukkot.
The 15th day of Sukkot is the 8th day of the 2nd week of
Sukkot as it's written in 1 Kings 8:65-66.
And the verse 66 says "On the 8th day Solomon sent the
people away. They blessed the king and then went home,
joyful and glad in heart for all good things the Lord has
done for his servant David and his people Israel"
To me, this verse is a metaphor that the Saints return to
heavenly home in the future.
The 15th day of Passover this year is 5/7 which happens
to be the third day.
It was the third day when the Wedding Feast at Cana was
held and it represents the Marriage of the Lamb.
In the previous letter, I suggested that the feasts of Passover
and Sukkot are the mate as it's written in Isaiah 34:16.
I know that it was the 2nd Passover when the Israelites
celebrated for 2 weeks, not the 1st Passover.
And the 2nd Passover could be designed for the Gentile
as it's written in Romans 11:30-32.
But since the Gentile is now under the mercy while Israel
became disobedient, the 1st Passover could be applied
for Church.
If the Firstfruits Bride is birthed on 5/7, SD could occur
on 5/5 and 55 represents the Bride.
Amazingly, 24(888) years ago on 5/5 in 2000 the Sign of
5 Planets Alignment appeared as below. https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/alignment.html
24(12+12) represents 24 Elders and 12 means Church Age,
New Jerusalem, and Government Change.
2000 and 5(Grace) also represent Church Age.
Hamas sent a delegation to Egypt to continue negotiations
for a cease-fire with Israel, and it fits to 1 Thessalonians 5:3.
Antisemitism at many universities in the US becomes worse
and violence erupted between police and protesters.
The dark forces could carry out False Flag operation thinking
that it's the perfect time to provoke Chaos.
This message says that SD could occur in Manhattan. https://444prophecynews.com/new-york-new-york-new-york-rodney/
To me, it makes sense that the Church Age ends 7 days or
10 days before the 76th Yom Haatzmaut on 5/14 in 2024.
And if the Firstfruits Bride begins the Harvest for 40 days
from 5/9, it ends on Shavout.
5/9 is 88 days from Super Bowl and the prophecy of Bob Jones
could be fulfilled from 5/9.