Watchmen On The Wall Forum

Welcome to the Watchmen On The Wall Forum

Isaiah 62:6

I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, [which] shall never hold their peace day or night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence

1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 KJV

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

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LIVE Intense Massive Solar Storm G5 Severe Solar Storm Happening NOW 5/11/2024

LIVE Intense Massive Solar Storm G5 Severe Solar Storm Happening NOW 5/11/2024

LIVE Intense Massive Solar Storm G5
Severe Solar Storm Happening NOW 5/11/2024

1.02M subscribers
Started streaming 15 hours ago

WATCH LIVE An unusually strong solar storm headed
toward Earth could produce northern lights in the U.S.
this weekend and potentially disrupt power and
communications. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration issued a rare geomagnetic storm watch —
the first in nearly 20 years. That was expected to become
a warning Friday night, when the effects of the solar
outburst were due to reach Earth.


Baseball-size hail Hits Texas! (May 10, 2024), etc. -
"He will march in the storms of the south" LINK

Zechariah 9:14 LINK
14 Then the Lord will appear over them;
his arrow will flash like lightning.
The Sovereign Lord will sound the trumpet;
he will march in the storms of the south,

Zechariah 9 ESV LINK
The Lord Will Save His People
14 Then the Lord will appear over them,
and his arrow will go forth like lightning;
the Lord God will sound the trumpet
and will march forth in the whirlwinds of the south.