I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, [which] shall never hold their peace day or night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence
1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 KJV
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
If you would like to post, please send me an email at hogwoodk@gmail.com
Biden (NOT listening to God) completely unhinged! USA adrift, thrown to the wolves Russia & China!
Biden (NOT listening to God) completely unhinged! USA
left adrift, thrown to the wolves Russia & China!!!!
Because the supposed "Christians" of this hour are NOT
watching (most are lukewarm SEE: Revelation 3:14-22 LINK)
and TOO BUSY TO WATCH), this nation is left adrift and
vulnerable to our enemies (especially Russia and China)!!
This morning, 7/9/24, my One Year Bible reading included
the New Testament passages Acts 27:1-20 LINK which ends
20 And when neither sun nor stars in many days appeared,
and no small tempest lay on us, all hope that we should be
saved was then taken away.
We Christians in the USA are like she ship Paul was on!!!
We are left in the Laodicean LINK hands of ministers*** who
ONLY want to enjoy their riches of this nation, Babylon USA,
which is TOTALLY described in Revelation 18 LINK!!
"For they have healed my people slightly, saying,
Peace, peace" / "7" years of h"O"rr"O"r begin! LINK
– Alison Pound "Obama will be in power again." LINK
***Are MAAANY ministers just living to ENTERTAIN
and not really tom"WARN"???!!! (post from 1/6/24) LINK