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Isaiah 62:6

I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, [which] shall never hold their peace day or night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence

1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 KJV

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

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I Dreamed of the Rapture AGAIN...Twice in 3 Months!! (Lowly man 4 Christ; 8/27/24)

I Dreamed of the Rapture AGAIN...Twice in 3 Months!!
(Lowly man 4 Christ; 8/27/24)

I Dreamed of the Rapture AGAIN...Twice in 3 Months!!

Lowly man 4 Christ
3.3K subscribers
Aug 27, 2024

Jesus bless you family. In my second rapture video in just three
months, I delve even deeper into the intriguing concepts and
revelations surrounding this fascinating topic. Join me as I explore
the different interpretations, theories, and timeless debates people
have regarding the rapture. Whether you’re a believer, a skeptic,
or simply curious, this video offers something for everyone.

Check out my 1st rapture dream video which will pop up at the
end of this video, in the lower left corner.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. If you enjoyed the video,
please remember to LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE for more content.
Let’s spark a conversation in the comments below!

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Re: I Dreamed of the Rapture AGAIN...Twice in 3 Months!! (Lowly man 4 Christ; 8/27/24)


September 2024 could very well be the time. According to the Torah Calendar, the new moon on Sept 3 kicks off Feast of Trumpets. September 2 is Labor Day (on a Holiday) and the New Moon would be in the top of its phase. This could also fit Vincent Tan's 234.

-- Something could happen on the Feast of Trumpets to confirm our beliefs.

Personally, I am paying special attention to September 26, a Thursday, which is Tishri 23 (Simchat Torah) on the Torah Calendar. "The 23rd is something to behold"

The few right before that are Hoshana Rabbah (Sept 24), and the 8th day of Solomon Assembly (Sept 25). Those are all very high watch times.

Reveka Taylor was shown the Church would be with the LORD by Saturday the 28th. She was not given a month or year. September 2024 does indeed have a Saturday the 28th!

The 26th-28th is on a Thursday, Friday, and Saturday the 5-6-7 days of the week. This could be Charity's 5-6-7 Jesus.

Perhaps this will be a September to remember.

No one knows the day or hour. Let's hope it happens in September (if not earlier). If the 2024 election is canceled, and the church is taken first, September seems like the perfect time for everything to happen.

Many Blessings!

Re: I Dreamed of the Rapture AGAIN...Twice in 3 Months!! (Lowly man 4 Christ; 8/27/24)

Re: I Dreamed of the Rapture AGAIN...Twice in 3 Months!!
(Lowly man 4 Christ; 8/27/24) LINK

AL, you wrote:


September 2024 could very well be the time. According to the Torah Calendar, the new moon on Sept 3 kicks off Feast of Trumpets. September 2 is Labor Day (on a Holiday) and the New Moon would be in the top of its phase. This could also fit Vincent Tan's 234.

-- Something could happen on the Feast of Trumpets to confirm our beliefs.

Personally, I am paying special attention to September 26, a Thursday, which is Tishri 23 (Simchat Torah) on the Torah Calendar. "The 23rd is something to behold"

The few right before that are Hoshana Rabbah (Sept 24), and the 8th day of Solomon Assembly (Sept 25). Those are all very high watch times.

Reveka Taylor was shown the Church would be with the LORD by Saturday the 28th. She was not given a month or year. September 2024 does indeed have a Saturday the 28th!

The 26th-28th is on a Thursday, Friday, and Saturday the 5-6-7 days of the week. This could be Charity's 5-6-7 Jesus.

Perhaps this will be a September to remember.

No one knows the day or hour. Let's hope it happens in September (if not earlier). If the 2024 election is canceled, and the church is taken first, September seems like the perfect time for everything to happen.

Many Blessings!


Your looking at September 26 (9/26) had me looking for an old note!

SEE BELOW!!!!!!!!!!



This is from a VERY old post of mine and, as you said,
9/26 is a Thursday!!!...........

September, 2024
Av - Elul, 5784

My notes:


Charles (26 Apr 2012)
"I saw the rapture on a Thursday"

In my one of a few rapture dreams I said I cannot believe the
rapture is on a Thursday!

...On Monday, September 16, 2002, while working at a resort in
...South Carolina (and very much watchful for the rapture), I saw the
...following license plates which, I felt, "spoke" of a "day" with a
...meaning of 926. The "926" or "26" given on the plates, OBVIOUSLY,
...wasn't 9/26/02 or 03 so that leaves some other interpretation. But
..."LOOSELY", I believe they "still" could have a VERY SIMILAR

......YYY 9260 - "YES, YES, YES, ON 9/26 YOU'LL BE GONE (0)."
......JHX 26U - "JESUS takes you HOME at the RAPTURE (X)...
................ON THE on the 26TH, UP you go!!!"
................(Again, rapture doesn't start with "X" but it has been a
................code word to me symbolizing "'X' marks a spot where 'ONCE WERE'".)

(From old posts)

Chris wrote:

"On March 18, 2007, I had a vision of a large ball with the
number 26 on it coming down from heaven and it SUDDENLY
burst into thousands of smaller balls with the number 26 on them."

Re: I Dreamed of the Rapture AGAIN...Twice in 3 Months!! (Lowly man 4 Christ; 8/27/24)

The full moon in September is the 18th (appears full a few days earlier). Silva Shirry's 10-day warning could happen around September 16-18. That would coincide with the Feast of Tabernacles and then start counting 10 days. I believe that's when 6th Seal Event could unfold... around a full moon, as many were shown... and then possibly Rapture/Harpazo by Saturday, September 28.

...But first, something should happen around Feast of Trumpets around Labor Day. Perhaps the fiery kickoff event (escalation of WW3, middle east, etc.)

We shall see as it progresses. There could be a few harvests.

1. Dead in Christ rise 1st (6th Seal).

2. Children & innocents next

3. Worldwide rapture of remaining saints

As I'm looking at the Torah calendar, the eve of Tabernacles begins on Tuesday, September 17. Alot of people have been shown number "17". 10 days later (inclusive) brings us to September 26, which is the "23rd" on Torah Calendar and also Simchat Torah - Rejoicing in the good things יהוה has done.

Simchat Torah marks the completion of the Festival Cycle - 2 Chronicles 7:10.

Chanda aka Freaking over Jesus told of a young girl who received a word that the rapture will happen on a Jewish holiday that begins with an "S". That could be Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, or Simchat Torah!!!

God Bless!!!!