Watchmen On The Wall Forum

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Isaiah 62:6

I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, [which] shall never hold their peace day or night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence

1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 KJV

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

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The Hoar Frost Has Arrived Again (Umling)

The hoar frost has arrived today. The Lord speaks about lightning, thunder, and snow. Lightning, thunder, and snow—let's begin.

2024 Opens with a Bang!

"Lightning and thunder shall descend upon these people," says the Lord. "A blanket of snow, as the frost turns to snow, will cover the ground. So too will calamities strike these people. Trouble will come suddenly, just as Job said, 'The thing I greatly feared has come upon me.' So shall this people say as the snow blankets the ground.

"The seasons will be marked off. There will be a season of proving. Listen to this lamentation: There is snow that comes down to water the earth, and so shall my calamities be upon this people. None shall escape this watering. Confusion, panic, and pandemonium will be their portion. In the snow, I send this judgment upon those who have yet to repent.

"There is rain, there is sleet, there is snow, and there is heat. For now, I remove, smite, and chastise. I bring low the one with pride. Trouble will strike in time—in the morning and before noon. I have drawn a line. Summer is gone, the fall is past, and when frost turns to snow, my judgment shall pass.

"I warn my people: it comes from above. Who will now say, 'I am a God of love'? Teach me this riddle and teach me to say, 'Yah, my God.' Disaster looms, and the weather changes from frost to snow. I show my hand of judgment to those who resist, mock, and curse. They jump and shout, but the calamity I spoke about will come.

"Change the clock, change the calendar, and change the weather—from summer to winter. Send the snow, the ice, and the cold. Snow and ice, thunder and hail—the east wind drives the nail. When it snows, there will be calamity upon calamity."
A Dream Received

About two weeks ago, I received an email from Joshua Caleb Long regarding a dream. Here it is:

"I recently had a very brief and simple dream. I was standing in a place that wasn’t specific. When I opened my eyes, I saw various locations, all with a common denominator—snow. More specifically, piles of snow.

"The interesting thing about the snow was that it was in places it had never been before. Not only that, but it was also in great heaps, between three and four feet deep, in locations where snow wasn’t supposed to be, such as under awnings, in shops, under rooflines, and in regions that had never received snow in history.

"I perceive the Lord will cause a change in the seasons to grasp the attention of not only the bride but also the inhabitants of the world in general.

"While writing this, I am reminded of the Scripture about how the Lord has hoar frost stored up for His wrath. The Lord is coming in great wrath, and the hoar frost of His indignation will reach people and places never touched before.

"These are indeed the last days. I pray the bride accepts the rod of correction and the conviction of the Lord, that she might be purified and received as a spotless bride."
The Lord Speaks

"My treasuries are open," says the Lord. "Now hear this: Against evil, I raise my hand. Against pride, I resist with vengeance. Upon creation, my Father releases His anger.

"Is your flight not in winter? Twofold, threefold, four-score and six. At twelve at night, in the snow, your flight will be in winter. For as many as I call and as many as are chosen, their eyes will see what my Father has spoken. Look ahead, look behind, and reconcile your flight.

"In the snow, I send the flight in winter. My Father purges those who resist. Here is wisdom: change the clock, change the calendar, and change the weather—from summer to winter. Send the snow, the ice, the cold. Remove the harvest, the labor of old. Change the season to the time foretold.

"Seedtime and harvest, summer and winter, will not unfold. Take away the splendor of the earth; let it bring forth briars, chaff, thorns, and thistles. These are the chastisements and judgments from the throne of God.

"From the throne, lightning and hail, fire and blood. Time is no more in the days of His message. Though the south wind blows, the east wind scorches. From the throne, I send lightning, thunder, and hail. My Father sends judgments and disasters for correction. Destruction comes. Disaster looms.

"Now look at a country of gloom. From the throne, lightning, hail, and thunder—a fearsome sight for all to see. Tremble and say, 'I am exceedingly afraid. Judgment has come. I have nowhere to hide.'

"The Lord says, 'Tell me what these words mean.' Here they are:

• Travail
• Birth pangs
• Delivery

"The answer is this: These people are about to give birth to their redemption," says the Lord.

May Jesus Bless You All,


Re: The Hoar Frost Has Arrived Again (Umling)



Posted by AL LINK on WOTW...

Listen to the full message at The Hoar Frost Has Arrived Again

Dec 6, 2024 - 6:46PM


The Hoar Frost Has Arrived Again

Edward Umling
9.6K subscribers
Dec 3, 2024


What will happen to America (Babylon USA) is clearly
written in Revelation 18 LINK!!!!!!!!