Cam MTB - the Cambridge Mountain Bikers' Forum

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  • Wear a helmet. Despite recent advances in medical science, brains still cannot be mended nor replaced.
  • Wear gloves or mitts. Hands often hit the ground first. Cuts and grazes invite infection and a hospital visit.
  • Wear eye protection, it only takes a twig or thorn to lose an eye. Crud catchers are a good idea in mucky weather.
  • When downhilling, for your own protection, allow plenty of space behind the rider in front.
  • Bring a bare minimum emergency tool kit and a spare inner tube.
  • Breakdowns are a bore. Plan not to have any by ensuring your bike is in perfect working order.
  • Punctures are also tedious. You can minimise them by fitting latex tubes, slime tubes or running tubeless tyres.
  • Don't ride too close to the person in front. If they crash into a badger, you'll need time to swerve.

Photo: CAMMTB Winter 2024 rides have been posted up - please click on the Runs List link.

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Thetford or ???

Are people Thetfording tonight ?
An alternative yocal ride ?
Who fancies what......... any thoughts?

Re: Thetford or ???


As I said in the other thetford thread, I've just arrived from sunny Australia, and miss having 5 sets of trails within 15mins of my house, so I'm keen to ride tonight! I don't have self-transport to somewhere like Thetford until tomorrow because of insurance on my car, but I'm happy to chip in for fuel. Otherwise I'm up for a local ride as well, though I'd prefer single track.


Re: Thetford or ???

I'll probably plump for the Local Yokel Ride, if only because I'm going to struggle to get out from work on time for Thetford.

For those going local, I'd recommend avoiding icy stretches of road if we can - I had a backside/road interface event on Sunday (AKA I fell off).

What is an alternative yokel anyway? One with a black smock and tie-dyed gaiters?


Re: Thetford or ???

I'm thinking about it. Haven't ridden a bike on the road for about 2 weeks now, so getting a little cheesed off/unfit/heavier. If we could plan on getting to the pub for 9pm that would be an added incentive (for me).

Duncan, are you thinking of Comberton as a destination? (as we are due at the Hairy Hounds next thurs)

Re: Thetford or ???

Hey, if people are indifferent for destination, I live in Comberton, so that would work well for me :)

Re: Comberton quite near to Thetford

Not my idea...., but I accept it is a good destination, SO Free orse shoes, Comberton it is then. Went out last night so don't mind a 40> mile ride tonight.
Whoose Jason ?
Need to have a chat me old son !

Re: Comberton quite near to Thetford

don't mind a 40> mile ride tonight.

What? Greater than 40 miler?

Re: Comberton quite near to Thetford

You know you want to Pasty!

Not out tonight, saving my legs for the mud fest that is likely to be WS3 on Sunday when the rain comes...

Re: Comberton quite near to Thetford

A mud fest, after the thaw we'll be getting? Surely not!

Re: Comberton quite near to Thetford

We do indeed need to have a chat! So it's heading off from Japas Sushi on Brookside at 1930 then? I think my bike will be a little bit... overbiked for what is around here, with about 15kg of pork and 160mm but I'm keen to take it more exotic places, so I'll just have to suffer.
I assume you are all easy enough to spot, bright lights, mountain bikes, etc? I'll be similar, with ay ups and in a yellow commuting jacket.
Do you know if the three horse shoes is doing food yet? We last went in just before Christmas for a pint, and they weren't cooking then. If they are, I'm sure my partner would like to join us, though she might come for a pint regardless! Is the plan to arrive there around 9, as mentioned by Pete?

Re: Comberton quite near to Thetford

I questioned my current Cambridge University educated wife about the smaller/larger than arrow & was told that the one I was choosing was less than.
Someone's wrong ?

Dr Paul ??
( Dr Eco would want payment & sole ownership for any kind of decision)

I believe The Three horse shoes is still not doing food yet ...... due to the current tenants been temporary while a deal is hammered out in the back ground with a Local/Yokel and Enterprise (so I lernt at a shindig at the Haaalll last Satidiy noight)

Re: Comberton quite near to Thetford


" Went out last night so don't mind a 40> mile ride tonight".

Think should be

" Went out last night so don't mind a <40 mile ride tonight".

That's if you meant to say "don't mind a less than 40 mile ride tonight?

Heaven help us if you did mean greater than.......

See you later

Re: Comberton quite near to Thetford

As much as I would like to join you all tonight, I feel compelled to get a first entry into PT's excuseathorus.
Tonight I will be mostly inspecting the inside of my eyelids, due to a 2:30am start yesterday as a result of a small person with a cold, followed by a finish at 6am this morning at work followed by a return to work for 9am today.
I be shagged!
See you next week.

Re: Comberton quite near to Thetford

The latter Pete!!

Jason, Been a true Barritonian, lover of Gods own country & been made to haul up in Comberton for a few years it's prob best not to say things along the line of "I think my bike will be a little bit... overbiked for what is around here, with about 15kg of pork and 160mm but I'm keen to take it more exotic places, so I'll just have to suffer" within reception of my hearing aid

Re: Comberton quite near to Thetford

Pat, are you still knocking off that dwarf in editing then?

Re: Comberton quite near to Thetford

no mate, health and saftey setpped in and said it was an inappropriate use of a ladder.

Re: Comberton quite near to Thetford

was screeding bathroom floor last night.... rock and roll...

as regards < and > it depends upon the order written

ie a < b - a is less than b could be written as b > a

or a > b - a is greater than b also could be written as b < a

